Academic Profile : Faculty

Prof Berinderjeet Kaur_1_2_3.jpg picture
Prof Berinderjeet Kaur
Emeritus Professor, National Institute of Education - Mathematics & Mathematics Education
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Berinderjeet Kaur is currently an Emeritus Professor with the Mathematics & Mathematics Education Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. She received her Ph.D. in Education, specializing in Mathematics Education, from Monash University in Australia. She joined the NIE in 1989.

She is an associate editor of ZDM Mathematics Education, a tier 1 journal published by Springer. She is the series editor of books themed Mathematics Education – An Asian Perspective published by Springer. Her research supported by more than S$6.0 million of grants has resulted in keynote and plenary lectures, and publications. Her publications appear in both national and international journals, books and proceedings of meetings.

She is involved in the pre-service and in-service education of mathematics teachers at NIE. She was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Commendation by NIE in 2005, 2006, 2018 and 2020.

In the field of Mathematics Education, she is a distinguished scholar. She was the Mathematics Consultant to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2011 and the Mathematics Expert for the Programme in International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2015. In Singapore she is the founding chair of the Mathematics Teachers Conference that is held annually by the Association of Mathematics Educators (AME) since 2005 and the founding editor of the Yearbook of AME that has been published annually by World Scientific since 2009. This book is thematic and focuses on practice that is evidence based.
Classroom studies involving teaching and learning of mathematics.
Mathematical problem solving.
Education and development of mathematics teachers.
International comparative studies on mathematics education.
• 2017 Service to Education (Silver) Minister of Education
• 2016 Long Public Service Medal President of Singapore
• 2012 Service to Education (Bronze) Minister of Education
• 2006 Public Administration Medal President of Singapore
Courses Taught
MME 901 Theoretical perspectives and issues in mathematics education research

EDME 901 Theoretical perspectives and issues in mathematics education research

MLS 3207 Implementing today's secondary school mathematics curriculum

IME 2114 Effective peer and self mathematics assessment in secondary schools
Supervision of PhD Students
Yeap Ban Har (2002). Children's mathematical word problem solving

Yeo Kai Kow (2004). An exploratory study of secondary two students' mathematics anxiety and mathematical problem solving