Academic Profile : Faculty

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Prof Dennis Zhiming Tay
Professor, School of Humanities
Head, Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, School of Humanities (SoH)
External Links
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Tay. D. (accepted). Affective engagement with metaphor in introductory statistics education. Journal of Experimental Education

Tay, D., & Qiu, H. (2024). Source Domain Associations as Conceptual Assemblages in Trauma Talk – an Association Rule Mining Approach. Metaphor and Symbol, 39(2). 96-109.

Chen, J. Z., Ahrens, K., & Tay, D. (2024). ‘Luxurious’ metaphors in luxury hotel websites in Singapore and Hong Kong: A mixed-methods study. Applied Corpus Linguistics, 100090.

Turnbull, M., Yu, C., & Tay, D. (2024). “We Need to Go Back Home (to) the Philippines Healthy”: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Migrant Domestic Workers’ Experiences of Having Breast Cancer in Hong Kong. Qualitative Health Research, 10497323241228789.

Qiu, A. H., Tay, D., & Watson, B. (2024). Metaphorical language and psychopathological symptoms: A case study of trauma victims’ metaphor use. BMC Psychology, 12(1), 57.

Tay, D. (2023). Data Analytics and Programming for Linguistics Students: A SWOT and Survey Study. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 0(0), 1–12.

Tay, D. (2023). Turning metaphor on its head: A 'target-to-source transformation' approach in the case of statistics education. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

Pan, M. X., & Tay, D. (2023). The effectiveness of metaphors in Chinese video advertisements for depression: An experimental study. Lingua, 293, 103584.

Gao, F., & Tay, D. (2023). Metaphor Use in Describing English Public Speaking Anxiety by Chinese University EFL Learners. System, 103091.

Yu, Y., Tay, D., & Yue, Q. (2023). Media representations of China amid COVID-19: A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis. Media International Australia. Online ahead of press.

Peng, Z., Yu, Y., & Tay, D. (2023) COVID-19 as WATER? The functions of WATER metaphors in the metaphorical representation of COVID-19. PLOS ONE 18, no. 11.

McMullen, L., & Tay, D. (2023). Psychotherapists’ use of metaphors. Psychotherapy. Online ahead of press.

Liu, Y., & Tay, D. (2023). Modelability of WAR metaphors across time in cross-national COVID-19 news translation: An insight into ideology manipulation. Lingua¸103490.

Jin, Y., & Tay, D. (2023). Offensive, hateful comment: A networked discourse practice of blame and petition for justice during COVID-19 on Chinese Weibo. Discourse Studies, 25(1), 3-24.

Qiu, H and Tay, D. (2023). A mixed-method comparison of therapist and client language across four therapeutic approaches. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 36(3), 337-360.

Yu, C., Tay, D., Jin, Y., and Yuan, X. (2023). Speech Acts and the Communicative Functions of Emojis in LIHKG Online Discussion Forum amid COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 14

Pan, M. X., & Tay, D. (2023). Individual differences in identifying creative metaphors from video Ads. Metaphor and the Social World, 13(2), 221-247.

Tay, D., & Qiu, H. (2022). Modeling Linguistic (A)Synchrony: A Case Study of Therapist–Client Interaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Qiu, H., Watson, B., & Tay, D. (2022). Metaphors and trauma: An image schematic analysis of symptom-specific metaphors. Lingua, 103244.

Tay, D. (2022). Metaphor types as strategies for teaching regression to novice learners. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 30(1), 3-14.

Tay, D. (2021). Modelability across time as a signature of identity construction on YouTube. Journal of Pragmatics, 182, 1–15.

Tay, D. (2021). Automated lexical and time series modeling for critical discourse research: a case study of Hong Kong protest editorials. Lingua, 255, 103056.

Tay, D. (2021). Is the social unrest like COVID-19 or is COVID-19 like the social unrest? A case study of source-target reversibility. Metaphor and Symbol, 36(2), 99-115.

Tay, D. (2021). Metaphor response categories and distribution between therapists and clients: A case study in the Chinese context. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 34(4), 378-394.

Tay, D, & Neimeyer, R. (2021). Making meaning with metaphor in grief therapy: A single-session segmental approach. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 8(1), 158-181.

Jin, Y. & Tay, D. (2021). Discretion. The final particle ou and its functions in medical advice-giving. Chinese Language and Discourse. 12(2), 158-180.

Tay, D. (2020). Surveying view of metaphor vs. literal language in psychotherapy: A factor analysis. Metaphor and the Social World, 10(2), 273-291.

Yu, Y, & Tay, D. (2020). A mixed-method analysis of image-schematic metaphors in describing anger, anxiety and depression. Metaphor and the Social World, 10(2), 253-272.

Tay, D. (2020). A computerized text and cluster analysis approach to psychotherapy talk. Language & Psychoanalysis, 9(1), 1–22.

Tay, D. (2020). Affective Engagement in Metaphorical versus Literal Communication Styles in Counseling. Discourse Processes, 57(4), 360–375.

Zeng, H., Tay, D., & Ahrens, K. (2020). A multifactorial analysis of metaphors in political discourse: Gendered influence in Hong Kong political speeches. Metaphor and the Social World, 10(1), 141–168.

Tay, D., Huang, J., & Zeng, H. (2019). Affective and discursive outcomes of symbolic interpretations in picture-based counseling: A skin conductance and discourse analytic study. Metaphor & Symbol, 34(2), 96–110.

Tay, D. (2019). Death in a multicultural society. Metaphor, language and religion in Singapore obituaries. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 6(1), 84–102.

Tay, D. (2018). Metaphors of movement in psychotherapy talk. Journal of Pragmatics, 125, 1-12.

Tay, D. (2017). Time series analysis of discourse. A case study of metaphor in psychotherapy sessions. Discourse Studies, 19(6), 694–710.

Tay, D. (2017). Quantitative metaphor usage patterns in Chinese psychotherapy talk. Communication & Medicine, 14(1), 51–68.

Tay, D. (2017). Exploring the metaphor-body-psychotherapy relationship. Metaphor & Symbol, 32(3), 178-191.

Tay, D. (2017). Metaphor construction in online motivational posters. Journal of Pragmatics, 112, 97–112.

Tay, D. (2017). The nuances of metaphor theory for constructivist psychotherapy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 30(2), 165–181.

Jin, Y. & Tay, D. (2017). Comparing Doctor–elderly Patient Communication between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Encounters: Data from China. Communication & Medicine 14 (2): 121–34.

Tay, D. (2016). A variational approach to deliberate metaphors. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 3(2), 277-298.

Tay, D. & Jin, H. (2016). 隐喻在网络心理健康咨询中的应用. 外语研究, 6, 15-23.

Tay, D. (2016). Metaphor and psychological transference. Metaphor & Symbol, 31(1), 11-30.

Tay, D. (2015). Metaphor in case study articles on Chinese university counseling service websites. Chinese Language and Discourse, 6(1), 28-56

Tay, D., & Jordan, J. (2015). Metaphor and the notion of control in trauma talk. Text & Talk, 35(4), 1–21.

Tay, D. (2014). Bodily experience as both source and target of meaning making: Implications from metaphors in psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 1(1), 84–100.

Tay, D. (2014). At the heart of cognition, communication, and language: The value of psychotherapy to metaphor study. Metaphor and the Social World, 4(1), 48-64.

Tay, D. (2012). Applying the notion of metaphor types to enhance counseling protocols. Journal of Counseling & Development, 90(2), 142–149.

Tay, D. (2011). Discourse markers as metaphor signalling devices in psychotherapeutic talk. Language & Communication, 31(4), 310–317.

Tay, D. (2011). THERAPY IS A JOURNEY as a discourse metaphor. Discourse Studies, 13(1), 47–68.

Tay, D. (2010). Revisiting metaphor types as discourse strategies: The case of psychotherapeutic discourse. Text & Talk, 30(4), 445–463.
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Tay, D. (2024). Data analytics for discourse analysis. New York: Routledge.

Tay, D. (2022). Navigating the realities of metaphor in psychotherapy research. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.

Tay, D. (2019). Time Series Analysis of Discourse. Method and Case Studies. New York: Routledge.

Tay, D. (2013). Metaphor in Psychotherapy. A Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Edited volumes
Tay, D. & Pan, X. (Eds.). (2022). Data Analytics in Cognitive Linguistics. Method and Case Studies. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

Lin, K. L., Mwinlaaru, I. N., & Tay, D. (Eds.). (2020). Approaches to Specialized Genres. New York: Routledge.

Yamaguchi, M., Tay, D. & Blount, B. (Eds.). (2014). Towards an Integration of Language, Culture, and Cognition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapters
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Tay, D., & Jin, Y. (2024). The construction and survivability of “blaming” metaphors on Chinese social media. In M. Romano (Ed.), Metaphor in Socio-Political Contexts (pp. 207–226). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

McMullen, L. & Tay, D. (2023). Metaphors. In C. Hill & J. Norcross (Eds.), Skills and Methods That Work in Psychotherapy. (pp. 138-165). New York: Oxford University Press.

Yu, Y. and Tay, D. (2022). Formulating a discourse of solidarity amid COVID-19. In F. Rossette-Crake and E. Buckwalter (Eds.), COVID-19. Communication, and Culture. (pp. 76-94). New York: Routledge.

Han, Q. and Tay, D. (2022). The interaction between metaphor use and psychological states: a mix-method analysis of trauma talk in the Chinese context. In D. Tay and X. Pan (Eds.), Data Analytics in Cognitive Linguistics. Method and Case Studies. (pp. 197-228). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

Tay, D., & Xie Pan, M. (2022). Data analytics in cognitive linguistics. In D. Tay & M. X. Pan (Eds.), Data Analytics in Cognitive Linguistics (pp. 1–12). Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

Tay, D. (2022). Time Series Analysis with Python. In D. Tay and X. Pan (Eds.), Data Analytics in Cognitive Linguistics. Method and Case Studies. (pp. 49-74). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

Tay, D. (2021). COVID-19 Press Conferences Across Time: World Health Organization vs. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In A. Musolff, R. Breeze & K. Kondo (Eds.), Pandemic and Crisis Discourse. Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy. (pp. 13-30). London: Bloomsbury

Tay, D. (2021). Image schemas. In X, Wen & J. Taylor (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. (pp. 161-172). New York: Routledge

Pan, X. and Tay, D. (2020). Identifying creative metaphors in video ads. In Lin, K. L., Mwinlaaru, I. N., & Tay, D. (Eds.). (2020). Approaches to Specialized Genres. (pp. 216-240). London and New York: Routledge.

Tay, D., Huang, J., & Zeng, H. (2020). Prompting Strategies and Outcomes in Picture-Based Counseling. In B. Watson & J. Krieger (Eds.), Expanding Horizons in Health Communication (pp. 29–46). Singapore, Springer.

Tay, D. (2020). Co-constructing crisis with metaphor: A quantitative approach to metaphor use in psychotherapy talk. In M. Huang & L.-L. Holmgreen (Eds.), The Language of Crisis. Metaphors, frames, and discourses (pp. 231–255). John Benjamins.

Tay, D. (2019). Language in mental health disorders. Oxford Bibliographies (Linguistics). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Tay, D. (2017). Using metaphor in healthcare: mental health interventions. In E. Semino & Z. Demjen (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language (pp. 371–385). London and New York: Routledge.

Tay, D. (2016). Finding the middle ground between therapist-centred and client-centred metaphor research in psychotherapy. In M. O’Reilly & J. N. Lester (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Adult Mental Health (pp. 558–576). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Tay, D. (2015). Words and neuro-psychological disorders. In J. R. Taylor (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of the Word (pp. 508–520). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Tay, D. (2015). 电子健康医疗服务的隐喻使用研究. In 高一虹 & 陈向一 (Eds.), 心理咨询与治疗的话语研究 (pp. 255–280). 南开大学出版社.

Tay, D. (2015). Pesquisa aplicada à metáfora: tendências, questões, metodologicas e ferramentas de software. In A. G. Vieira, W. R. Silva, & M. L. de S. Góis (Eds.), Visibilizar A Linguística Aplicada: Abordagens Teóricas E Metodológicas (pp. 111–130). Pontes.

Tay, D. (2014). Metaphor theory for counselling professionals. In J. Littlemore & J. R. Taylor (Eds.), Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics (pp. 352–367). London: Bloomsbury.

Tay, D. (2014). Lakoff and the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor. In J. R. Taylor & J. Littlemore (Eds.), Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics (pp. 49–60). London: Bloomsbury.

Tay, D. (2014). An analysis of metaphor hedging in psychotherapeutic talk. In M. Yamaguchi, D. Tay, & B. Blount (Eds.), Approaches to Language, Culture, and Cognition (pp. 251–267). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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Empirical methods for researching response to metaphor in therapy. Birmingham-Budapest International Doctoral Seminar. Birmingham, UK / Budapest, Hungary. April 2021.

Verbal-visual metaphors and affective arousal in psychological counseling: Experimental and quantitative approaches, 5th International Conference of Semiosis Research Center. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul. June 2020.

Data analytics for pedagogical research and self-reflection. Case studies and resources, 28th ETA International Symposium. ETA-ROC, Taipei. November 2019.

Data analytics for applied cognitive linguistic research. 12th International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics. Southwest University, Chongqing. April 2019.

Emotional effects of metaphor in psychotherapy: A skin conductance approach. 12th International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics. Southwest University, Chongqing. April 2019.

Metaphor and affective response in psychological counseling. Evidence from skin conductance analysis. International Forum on “Cognition, Metaphor and Thought”. School of Foreign Studies and the Research Center for Cognitive Linguistics, Jiangsu Normal University. Xuzhou, December 2018.

A discourse analytic roadmap of metaphor in psychotherapy. 5th International Cognitive Semantics Conference. Southwest University, Chongqing. June 2016.

What can discourse tell us about cognition? How psychotherapy opens new pathways of inquiry and application for metaphor research. 1st International Symposium on Cognitive Linguistics and Literature. Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China, Oct 2013
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