Academic Profile : Faculty

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Dr Evelyn Zhang
Assistant Professor, College of Business (Nanyang Business School) - Division of Leadership, Management & Organisation
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Evelyn Ying Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Leadership, Management, and Organisation division at Nanyang Business School, NTU, Singapore.

Her research focuses on career mobility, social networks, and strategic human resource management. She believes in achieving a better understanding of how career dynamics influence the outcomes of individuals, groups, and organizations by uncovering the micro foundations: how individuals connect, communicate, and learn in organizations.

Currently, Evelyn is working on several projects investigating how employees can effectively navigate changes in careers, gender differences, and how organizations can support them. She explores questions such as how job mobility—the changes between job positions—influences individuals’ social networks, why these changes subsequently impact the working groups and organizations to which the individuals belong, and how individuals and organizations can actively construct valuable social structures. To answer these questions, she conducts longitudinal studies involving field observations, surveys, and analyses of unique datasets with longitudinal HR records, objective monthly performance, and meta email communications.

Evelyn obtained her doctoral degree in Organizational Behavior and Theory from the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to CMU, she earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, China, along with a bachelor's degree in Economics from Tsinghua University, China.
Organizational theory; careers; mobility; social networks
2018 Herbert A. Simon Doctoral Dissertation Award, Carnegie Mellon University
2017 Runner up, INFORMS Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition
2017 Gerald Salancik Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University
Courses Taught
2021-2023 Principles of Management (Undergrad Core Course), Frankfurt School of Finance and Management