Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Edwin Chng
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education - Natural Sciences & Science Education
Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
Chng, E. (2024). Designing Computer Vision Support for Science Practical Work: A Qualitative Investigation into the Noticing Practices and Support Preferences of Science Teachers. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-11

Chng, E., Tan, A.L. and Tan, S.C. (2023). Examining the use of emerging technologies in schools: A review of Artificial Intelligence and immersive technologies in STEM education, Journal for STEM Education Research, 1-23.

Chng, E., Seyam, M.R., Yao, W. and Schneider, B. (2022), Toward capturing divergent collaboration in makerspaces using motion sensors, Information and Learning Sciences, 123(5-6), 276-297.

Schneider, B., Sung, G., Chng, E., Yang, S. (2021). How Can High-Frequency Sensors Capture Collaboration? A Review of the Empirical Links between Multimodal Metrics and Collaborative Constructs. Sensors 2021, 21(24), 8185.
Conference Papers
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pulled from PRDS)
Schneider, B., & Chng, E. (2024). Using Pose Data to Explore Changes in Students’ Self-Efficacy and Community Belonging in Makerspaces: An Unsupervised Approach. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning-CSCL 2024, pp. 177-180. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Chng, E., Yang, S., Sung, G., Yoo, Y., & Schneider, B. (2021). Leveraging Survey and Motion Sensors Data to Promote Gender Inclusion in Makerspaces. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining.

Sung, G., Yoo, T., Chng, E., Yang, S., & Schneider, B. (2021). Automated Tracking of Student Activities in a Makerspace Using Motion Sensor Data. In the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (pp. 185-188). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Yang, S., Chng, E., & Schneider, B. (2021). From Novice to Instructor: Inspiring Educators to Facilitate Maker-Centered Learning. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1011-1012). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Chng, E., Seyam, M. R., Yao, W., & Schneider, B. (2020). Using Motion Sensors to Understand Collaborative Interactions in Digital Fabrication Labs. In Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED 2020, Ifrane, Morocco, July 6-10, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 21 (pp. 118-128). Springer International Publishing.

Chng, E., Zeylikman, S., & Schneider, B. (2020). The Double-Edged Sword of Automating Personalized Interventions In Makerspaces: An Exploratory Study of Potential Benefits and Drawbacks. In Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED 2020, Ifrane, Morocco, July 6-10, 2020, Proceedings, Part II 21 (pp. 64-68). Springer International Publishing.

Chng, E., Zeylikman, S., & Schneider, B. (2020). Augmenting Instructor Decision-Making with Data in Makerspaces. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – Volume 1 (pp. 867-868). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Chng, E., Seyam, M. R., Yao, W., & Schneider, B. (2020). Providing Instructional Support for Makerspaces: Examining the Type and Diversity of Student Social Interactions. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – Volume 1 (pp. 897-898). International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Adler-Belendez, D., Hoppenstedt Orellana, E., Husain, M., Chng, E., & Schneider, B. (2020). How are 21st century skills captured in makerspaces?: A review of the literature. In Proceedings of the FabLearn 2020-9th Annual Conference on Maker Education (pp. 40-45). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.

Ramirez, L., Yao, W., Chng, E., & Schneider, B. (2019). Toward Instrumenting Makerspaces: Using Motion Sensors to Capture Students’ Affective States and Social Interactions in Open-Ended Learning Environments. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 639-642).
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