Academic Profile : Faculty

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Asst Prof Liang Kaicheng
Assistant Professor, School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
External Links
Dr Liang Kaicheng is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, NTU. His group develops miniaturized AI-powered optical imaging technologies with applications from quantitative biology to surgical guidance. Kaicheng is passionate about clinically-inspired engineering, and works closely with clinicians, surgeons and pathologists across the country to develop next-generation medical technologies and improve patient lives.

Kaicheng is a Singapore National Research Foundation Fellow (Class of 2021), and has a PhD and MS in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a BS in Biomedical Engineering from Duke University. Kaicheng's training and career has roots in A*STAR. His studies in the US were generously funded by an A*STAR National Science Scholarship, and his research was supported by several A*STAR institutes. Before moving to NTU, he was a Principal Investigator at the A*STAR Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and Institute of Microelectronics.
biophotonics, endoscopic microscopy, imaging data science and AI, optical coherence tomography, ultraviolet microscopy, medical technology and imaging, biological microscopy
  • Ultraviolet microscopy for clinical and surgical imaging applications
Fellowships & Other Recognition
2021 - Singapore National Research Foundation Fellow
Courses Taught
CH4244 - Num Methods and Data Analytics