Academic Profile : Faculty

Journal Articles
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pulled from PRDS)
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pulled from PRDS)
Lee RKY., Ng BYN., Chen DM. (2023) Development of a Bite-sized Visual Interactive Study Aid for Carbohydrate Metabolism. Journal of Chemical Education 2023 100 (10), 3974-3980.
Ng BYN., Chen DM., Tse JSW., Lee RKY. (2023) Student-centered Development of an e-Learning courseware for Metabolic Pathways. SCIREA Journal of Education. Vol. 8 , No. 3 , 2023 , pp. 109 - 121 .
Chen, D., Liang, L., Law, NWY. (2022). Navigating multilevel challenges in learning design: an investigation of novice designer teams' learning trajectory. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation.
Lee RKY, Ng BYN, Chen DM. (2019) Using Metro Lines for Integration of Nucleotide Metabolic Pathways. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.
Ngan, OMY., Tang, TLH., Chan, AKY., Chen, DM., & Tang, MK. (2017). Blended Learning in Anatomy Teaching for Non-Medical Students: An Innovative Approach to the Health Professions Education. Health Professions Education.
Ng BYN., Chen DM., Tse JSW., Lee RKY. (2023) Student-centered Development of an e-Learning courseware for Metabolic Pathways. SCIREA Journal of Education. Vol. 8 , No. 3 , 2023 , pp. 109 - 121 .
Chen, D., Liang, L., Law, NWY. (2022). Navigating multilevel challenges in learning design: an investigation of novice designer teams' learning trajectory. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation.
Lee RKY, Ng BYN, Chen DM. (2019) Using Metro Lines for Integration of Nucleotide Metabolic Pathways. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.
Ngan, OMY., Tang, TLH., Chan, AKY., Chen, DM., & Tang, MK. (2017). Blended Learning in Anatomy Teaching for Non-Medical Students: An Innovative Approach to the Health Professions Education. Health Professions Education.
Book Chapters
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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pulled from PRDS)
Elif B., Chen DM., Chan T. (in press). Implementation of Learning Analytics in Medical Education: Practical Considerations, In Schoenherr JR & McConnell, C (Eds.), Fundamentals and Frontiers in Medical Education and Decision-Making: Educational Theory and Psychological Practice, Routledge.
Conference Papers
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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pulled from PRDS)
Chen, D., Liang, L., Law, NWY. (2021). Navigating multilevel challenges in learning design: an investigation of novice designer teams' learning trajectory. [Paper presentation] International Conference on Open and Innovative Education 2021, Hong Kong
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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pulled from PRDS)
(Not applicable to NIE
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pulled from PRDS)
Chen, D., Yu, M., Ord, J., & Chen, R. (2024). Implementation of Learning Analytics to Support Technology Enhanced Learning in Continuing Professional Development [presentation]. 2024 AFMC CPD Research Symposium, Canada
Chen, D., Yu, M., Ord, J., & Chen, R. (2024). Enhancing Faculty Development Programs: An Evidence-based Approach to Technology-enhanced Learning Design with Learning Analytics [presentation]. Norman Education Research Day 2024, Hamilton, Canada
Chen, D., Yu, M., & Chen, R. (2023). Enhancing Teaching and Learning by Strengthening Faculty Development: Insights from the FacDev Platform Evaluation [Poster presentation]. Innovations in Education Conference, Hamilton, Canada
Corrin, L., Law, N., Chen, D. (2023) Learning Analytics and Learning Design: Mapping the connection. [Workshop]. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, Christchurch, New Zealand
Nawaz, S., Law, N., Corrin, L., Bakharia, A., Chen, D., Milligan, S. (2023). Towards an Integrated Framework for Design-aware Learning Analytics. [Workshop] International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, Arlington, United States
Chen, D., Yu, M., Ord, J., & Chen, R. (2024). Enhancing Faculty Development Programs: An Evidence-based Approach to Technology-enhanced Learning Design with Learning Analytics [presentation]. Norman Education Research Day 2024, Hamilton, Canada
Chen, D., Yu, M., & Chen, R. (2023). Enhancing Teaching and Learning by Strengthening Faculty Development: Insights from the FacDev Platform Evaluation [Poster presentation]. Innovations in Education Conference, Hamilton, Canada
Corrin, L., Law, N., Chen, D. (2023) Learning Analytics and Learning Design: Mapping the connection. [Workshop]. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, Christchurch, New Zealand
Nawaz, S., Law, N., Corrin, L., Bakharia, A., Chen, D., Milligan, S. (2023). Towards an Integrated Framework for Design-aware Learning Analytics. [Workshop] International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, Arlington, United States