Academic Profile : Faculty

Asst Prof Pierre Taillardat
Nanyang Assistant Professor, Asian School of the Environment
Assistant Professor, Asian School of the Environment
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Journal Articles
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Taillardat, Linkhorst, Deblois, Prijac, Gandois, Tremblay, Garneau (2024). A Carbon Source in a Carbon Sink: Carbon Dioxide and Methane Dynamics in Open-Water Peatland Pools. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38,e2023GB007909.
Adame, Cormier, Taillardat, Iram, Rovai, Sloey, Yando, Blanco-Libreros, Arnaud, Lovelock, Friess, Reithmaier, Buelow, Muhammad-Nor, Twilley, Ribeiro (2024). Deconstructing the mangrove carbon cycle: Gains, transformation, and losses. Ecosphere, 15:e4806.
Schuster, Taillardat, Macreadie, Malerba (2024). Freshwater wetland restoration and conservation are long-term natural climate solutions. Science of the Total Environment, 922, 171218.
Reithmaier, Cabral, Akhand, Bogard, Borges, Bouillon, Burdige, Call, Chen, Chen, Cotovicz Jr, Eagle, Kristensen, Kroeger, Lu, Maher, Pérez-Lloréns, Ray, Taillardat, Tamborski, Upstill-Goddard, Wang, Wang, Xiao, Yau, Santos (2023). Carbonate chemistry and carbon sequestration driven by inorganic carbon outwelling from mangroves and saltmarshes, Nature Communications, 14, 8196.
Taillardat, Bodmer, Ponçot, Prijac, Riahia, Deblois, Gandois, del Giorgio, Bourgault, Tremblay, Garneau (2022). Carbon Dioxide and Methane Dynamics in a Peatland Headwater Stream: Origins, Processes and Implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, 1–27.
Taillardat, Thompson, Friess, Trottier, Garneau (2020). Climate change mitigation potential of wetlands and the cost-effectiveness of their restoration. Interface Focus, 10, 20190129.
Zeng, Sarira, Carrasco, Chong, Friess, Lee, Taillardat, Worthington, Zhang, Koh (2020). Economic and social constraints on reforestation for climate mitigation in Southeast Asia. Nature Climate Change, 10, 842-844.
Helbig, Waddington, […], Taillardat, […], Wofsy (2020). Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate. Nature Climate Change, 10, 555–560.
Sasmito, Taillardat, Clendenning, Cameron, Friess, Murdiyarso, Hutley (2019). Effect of land-use and land-cover change on mangrove blue carbon: A systematic review. Global Change Biology, 25, 4291–4302.
Taillardat, Friess, Lupascu (2018). Mangrove blue carbon strategies for climate change mitigation are most effective at the national scale. Biology Letters, 14, 20180251.
Adame, Cormier, Taillardat, Iram, Rovai, Sloey, Yando, Blanco-Libreros, Arnaud, Lovelock, Friess, Reithmaier, Buelow, Muhammad-Nor, Twilley, Ribeiro (2024). Deconstructing the mangrove carbon cycle: Gains, transformation, and losses. Ecosphere, 15:e4806.
Schuster, Taillardat, Macreadie, Malerba (2024). Freshwater wetland restoration and conservation are long-term natural climate solutions. Science of the Total Environment, 922, 171218.
Reithmaier, Cabral, Akhand, Bogard, Borges, Bouillon, Burdige, Call, Chen, Chen, Cotovicz Jr, Eagle, Kristensen, Kroeger, Lu, Maher, Pérez-Lloréns, Ray, Taillardat, Tamborski, Upstill-Goddard, Wang, Wang, Xiao, Yau, Santos (2023). Carbonate chemistry and carbon sequestration driven by inorganic carbon outwelling from mangroves and saltmarshes, Nature Communications, 14, 8196.
Taillardat, Bodmer, Ponçot, Prijac, Riahia, Deblois, Gandois, del Giorgio, Bourgault, Tremblay, Garneau (2022). Carbon Dioxide and Methane Dynamics in a Peatland Headwater Stream: Origins, Processes and Implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, 1–27.
Taillardat, Thompson, Friess, Trottier, Garneau (2020). Climate change mitigation potential of wetlands and the cost-effectiveness of their restoration. Interface Focus, 10, 20190129.
Zeng, Sarira, Carrasco, Chong, Friess, Lee, Taillardat, Worthington, Zhang, Koh (2020). Economic and social constraints on reforestation for climate mitigation in Southeast Asia. Nature Climate Change, 10, 842-844.
Helbig, Waddington, […], Taillardat, […], Wofsy (2020). Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate. Nature Climate Change, 10, 555–560.
Sasmito, Taillardat, Clendenning, Cameron, Friess, Murdiyarso, Hutley (2019). Effect of land-use and land-cover change on mangrove blue carbon: A systematic review. Global Change Biology, 25, 4291–4302.
Taillardat, Friess, Lupascu (2018). Mangrove blue carbon strategies for climate change mitigation are most effective at the national scale. Biology Letters, 14, 20180251.
Opinions & Commentaries
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Evans and Taillardat (2024). Light on Dark Water. Nature Geoscience, 17, 175–176.
Taillardat (2022). Going local : how coastal environmental settings can help improve global mangrove carbon storage and flux estimates. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(e2022GL101979).
Taillardat (2022). Going local : how coastal environmental settings can help improve global mangrove carbon storage and flux estimates. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(e2022GL101979).