Academic Profile : Faculty

Dr Yancy Toh
Education Research Scientist, Centre for Research in Pedagogy & Practice
Research Scientist, National Institute of Education - Office for Research
External Links
Journal Articles (Central)
Toh, Y., & Looi, C. K. (2024). Transcending the Dualities in Digital Education: A Case Study of Singapore. Frontiers of Digital Education, 1(1), 121'131.
Cheah, Y. H., Chai, C. S., & Toh, Y. (2019). Traversing the context of professional learning communities: Development and implementation of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of a primary science teacher. Research in Science & Technological Education, 37(2), 147-167.
Hung, D., Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., & So, H.J. (2017). Innovation Becoming Trajectories: Leveraging Lateral and Vertical Moves for Collaborative Diffusio n of 21st Century Learning Practices. Asia Pacific Journal of Education., 37(4), 582-600.
Toh, Y., So, H.J., Seow, P.,& Chen, W. (2017). Transformation of Participation and Learning: Three Case Studies of Young Learners Harnessing Mobile Technologies for Seamless Science Learning. The As ia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(5), 305-316.
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., Toh, Y., Lee, S. S., Wu, L. K., & Shaari, I. (2016). A system's model of scaling: leveraging uponcentralised and decentralised structures fordiffusion. Learning: Research and Practice, 2(2), 143-159.
Toh, Y., Hu ng, D., Chua, P., He, S., & Jamaludin, A. (2016). Pedagogical reforms within a centralized-decentralized system: A Singapore's perspective to diffuse 21st century learning innovations. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(7), pp.1247 - 1267.
Toh, Y. (2016). Leading sustainabl e technology-mediated pedagogical reform for student-centred learning: A complexity perspective. Journal of Educational Change, 17(2), 145-169.
Yao, X., So, H.J., & Toh, Y. (2015). Assessing Learners' Perceived Readiness for Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL): A Study on Initi al Development and Validation. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 27(3), 215-239.
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., & Toh, Y. (2015). Apprenticeship, Epistemic Learning, and Diffusion of Innovations in Education. Educational Technology, 55(4), 20-26.
Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., He, S. J. , Chua, P., & Hung, D. (2015). Leveraging autonomous pedagogical space for technology-transformed learning: A Singapore's perspective to sustaining educational reform within, across and beyond schools. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 9(4), 334-353.
Toh, Y., Jamalu din, A., Hung, D., & Chua, P. (2014). Ecologicalleadership: Going beyond system leadership for diffusing school-based innovationsin the crucible of change for 21st century learning DOI: 10.1007/s40299-014-0211-4. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(4), 835-850.
Toh, Y., So, H. J., Seo w, P., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2013). Seamless learning in the mobile age: A theoretical and methodological discussion on using cooperative inquiry to study digital kids on-the-move. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(3), 301-318.
Boticki, I., So, H. J., Toh, Y., Chen, W., & Seow, P. (2011 ). ColInq: A system for collaborative inquiry learning with mobile devices. International Journal of Robotics, Education, and Art, 1(2), 10-22.
Looi, C.K., So, H.J., Toh, Y., & Chen, W.L. (2011). The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice and design research. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(1), 9-37.
Toh, Y., & So, H.J. (2011). ICT reform initiatives in Singapore schools: a complexity theory perspective. Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(3), 349-357.
Chen, W., Seow, P., So, H.J., Toh, Y, & Looi, C.K. (2010). Connecting learning spaces using mobile technology. Educational Technology, 50(5), 45-50.
Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., So, H., Seow, P., Toh, Y., Norris, C., Soloway, E., Chen, W., & Zhang, B. (2009). Anatomy of a mobilized lesson: Learning My Way. Computers & Education, 53(4), 1 120-1132.
Cheah, Y. H., Chai, C. S., & Toh, Y. (2019). Traversing the context of professional learning communities: Development and implementation of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of a primary science teacher. Research in Science & Technological Education, 37(2), 147-167.
Hung, D., Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., & So, H.J. (2017). Innovation Becoming Trajectories: Leveraging Lateral and Vertical Moves for Collaborative Diffusio n of 21st Century Learning Practices. Asia Pacific Journal of Education., 37(4), 582-600.
Toh, Y., So, H.J., Seow, P.,& Chen, W. (2017). Transformation of Participation and Learning: Three Case Studies of Young Learners Harnessing Mobile Technologies for Seamless Science Learning. The As ia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(5), 305-316.
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., Toh, Y., Lee, S. S., Wu, L. K., & Shaari, I. (2016). A system's model of scaling: leveraging uponcentralised and decentralised structures fordiffusion. Learning: Research and Practice, 2(2), 143-159.
Toh, Y., Hu ng, D., Chua, P., He, S., & Jamaludin, A. (2016). Pedagogical reforms within a centralized-decentralized system: A Singapore's perspective to diffuse 21st century learning innovations. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(7), pp.1247 - 1267.
Toh, Y. (2016). Leading sustainabl e technology-mediated pedagogical reform for student-centred learning: A complexity perspective. Journal of Educational Change, 17(2), 145-169.
Yao, X., So, H.J., & Toh, Y. (2015). Assessing Learners' Perceived Readiness for Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL): A Study on Initi al Development and Validation. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 27(3), 215-239.
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., & Toh, Y. (2015). Apprenticeship, Epistemic Learning, and Diffusion of Innovations in Education. Educational Technology, 55(4), 20-26.
Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., He, S. J. , Chua, P., & Hung, D. (2015). Leveraging autonomous pedagogical space for technology-transformed learning: A Singapore's perspective to sustaining educational reform within, across and beyond schools. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 9(4), 334-353.
Toh, Y., Jamalu din, A., Hung, D., & Chua, P. (2014). Ecologicalleadership: Going beyond system leadership for diffusing school-based innovationsin the crucible of change for 21st century learning DOI: 10.1007/s40299-014-0211-4. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(4), 835-850.
Toh, Y., So, H. J., Seo w, P., Chen, W., & Looi, C. K. (2013). Seamless learning in the mobile age: A theoretical and methodological discussion on using cooperative inquiry to study digital kids on-the-move. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(3), 301-318.
Boticki, I., So, H. J., Toh, Y., Chen, W., & Seow, P. (2011 ). ColInq: A system for collaborative inquiry learning with mobile devices. International Journal of Robotics, Education, and Art, 1(2), 10-22.
Looi, C.K., So, H.J., Toh, Y., & Chen, W.L. (2011). The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice and design research. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(1), 9-37.
Toh, Y., & So, H.J. (2011). ICT reform initiatives in Singapore schools: a complexity theory perspective. Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(3), 349-357.
Chen, W., Seow, P., So, H.J., Toh, Y, & Looi, C.K. (2010). Connecting learning spaces using mobile technology. Educational Technology, 50(5), 45-50.
Looi, C.K., Wong, L.H., So, H., Seow, P., Toh, Y., Norris, C., Soloway, E., Chen, W., & Zhang, B. (2009). Anatomy of a mobilized lesson: Learning My Way. Computers & Education, 53(4), 1 120-1132.
Books (Central)
Hung, D., Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., & Wu, L. K. (2019). Innovations in Educational Change: Cultivating Ecologies for Schools (PP. 350). Singapore: Springer.
Miao, F. C., West, M., So, H. J., & Toh, Y. (2017). Supporti ng teachers with mobile technology: lessons drawn from UNESCO projects in Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal and Pakistan (PP. 96). Paris: UNESCO.
Miao, F. C., West, M., So, H. J., & Toh, Y. (2017). Supporti ng teachers with mobile technology: lessons drawn from UNESCO projects in Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal and Pakistan (PP. 96). Paris: UNESCO.
Book Chapters (Central)
Toh, Y. (2022). Creating sustainable levers for ICT integration: A development trajectory of an ICT-enriched school. In D. Hung, L. Wu, & D. Kwek (Eds.), Diversifying Schools: Systemic Catalysts for Educational Innovations in Singapore(PP. 3-32). Singapore: Springer.
Looi, C. K., So, HJ., Toh, Y., & Chen, W. (2021). Investigation 13. The Singapore Experience: Synergy of National Policy, Classroom Practice, and Design Research. In G. Stahl. (Ed.), Theoretical Investigations: Philosophical Foundations of Group Cognition. Computer-Supported Collaborative L earning Series, vol 18.(PP. 291-317). Cham: Springer.
Toh, Y., & Looi, C.K. (2020). Moving with Times: Singapore's Evolutionary Trajectory in Integrating Technology in Education. In C.K., Looi, H. Zhang, Y. Gao, & L. Wu. (Eds.), ICT in Education and Implications for the Belt and Road Initiative(PP. 149-165). Singapore: Springer.
Jamaludin, A., Hung, D., & Toh, Y. (2019). Empowering Partnerships for School-based Innovation Scale and Sustainability. In Hung, D., Wu, L., & Kwek, D. (Eds.), Diversifying schools: systemic catalysts for educational in novations in Singapore(PP. 127-152). Dordrecht: Springer.
Chua, P., Toh, Y., He, S.J., Jamaludin,A., & Hung, D. (2019). Centralised-Decentralisation in Singapore Education Policy Making. In D. Hung., S. S. Lee., Y. Toh., L.K. Wu., & A. Jamaludin (Eds.), Innovations in educati onal change: Cultivating ecologies for schools(PP. 3-21). Singapore: Springer.
Wong, K. M., Nizam, M., Koh, A. L. H., Tan, S. C., & Toh, Y. (2016). Building Twenty-First century learning infrastructure. In C. S. Chai, C. P. Lim, & C. M. Tan (Eds.), Future learning in primary schools: A Singapore perspective(PP. 31-42). Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapur.
Toh, Y., Tan C. M., & Koh, A. L. H. (2016). Re-conceptualising learning collectively: A whole-school reform for fostering 21st century competencies. In Chai, C. S., Lim, C. P., & Tan, C. M. (Eds.), Future Lear ning in Primary School: A Singapore Perspective.(PP. 9-30). Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapur.
Toh, Y., Lee, J. Y. L., & Soo, K. W. T. (2016). Building synergies: Bringing school-based innovations to scale. In Chai, C. S., Lim, C. P., & Tan, C. M. (Eds.), Future Learning in Primary School : A Singapore Perspective.(PP. 177-197). Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapur.
Dimmock, C., Kwek, D., & Toh, Y. (2013). Leadership for 21st century learning in Singapore's high-performing schools. In OECD (Ed.), Leadership for 21st Cen tury Learning(PP. 107-134). Paris: OECD Publishing.
Looi, C.K. & Toh, Y. (2013). Orchestrating the flexible mobile learning classroom. In M. Ally & A. Tsinakos (Eds.), Increasing Access through Mobile Learning(PP. 161-174). Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Commonwealth of Learning.
Looi, C. K., So, HJ., Toh, Y., & Chen, W. (2021). Investigation 13. The Singapore Experience: Synergy of National Policy, Classroom Practice, and Design Research. In G. Stahl. (Ed.), Theoretical Investigations: Philosophical Foundations of Group Cognition. Computer-Supported Collaborative L earning Series, vol 18.(PP. 291-317). Cham: Springer.
Toh, Y., & Looi, C.K. (2020). Moving with Times: Singapore's Evolutionary Trajectory in Integrating Technology in Education. In C.K., Looi, H. Zhang, Y. Gao, & L. Wu. (Eds.), ICT in Education and Implications for the Belt and Road Initiative(PP. 149-165). Singapore: Springer.
Jamaludin, A., Hung, D., & Toh, Y. (2019). Empowering Partnerships for School-based Innovation Scale and Sustainability. In Hung, D., Wu, L., & Kwek, D. (Eds.), Diversifying schools: systemic catalysts for educational in novations in Singapore(PP. 127-152). Dordrecht: Springer.
Chua, P., Toh, Y., He, S.J., Jamaludin,A., & Hung, D. (2019). Centralised-Decentralisation in Singapore Education Policy Making. In D. Hung., S. S. Lee., Y. Toh., L.K. Wu., & A. Jamaludin (Eds.), Innovations in educati onal change: Cultivating ecologies for schools(PP. 3-21). Singapore: Springer.
Wong, K. M., Nizam, M., Koh, A. L. H., Tan, S. C., & Toh, Y. (2016). Building Twenty-First century learning infrastructure. In C. S. Chai, C. P. Lim, & C. M. Tan (Eds.), Future learning in primary schools: A Singapore perspective(PP. 31-42). Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapur.
Toh, Y., Tan C. M., & Koh, A. L. H. (2016). Re-conceptualising learning collectively: A whole-school reform for fostering 21st century competencies. In Chai, C. S., Lim, C. P., & Tan, C. M. (Eds.), Future Lear ning in Primary School: A Singapore Perspective.(PP. 9-30). Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapur.
Toh, Y., Lee, J. Y. L., & Soo, K. W. T. (2016). Building synergies: Bringing school-based innovations to scale. In Chai, C. S., Lim, C. P., & Tan, C. M. (Eds.), Future Learning in Primary School : A Singapore Perspective.(PP. 177-197). Singapore: Springer-Verlag Singapur.
Dimmock, C., Kwek, D., & Toh, Y. (2013). Leadership for 21st century learning in Singapore's high-performing schools. In OECD (Ed.), Leadership for 21st Cen tury Learning(PP. 107-134). Paris: OECD Publishing.
Looi, C.K. & Toh, Y. (2013). Orchestrating the flexible mobile learning classroom. In M. Ally & A. Tsinakos (Eds.), Increasing Access through Mobile Learning(PP. 161-174). Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Commonwealth of Learning.
Conference Papers (Central)
Conference Papers Published in Proceedings
Verma, K., Viswanathan, S., Ong, B. H., & Toh, Y. (2019, October). Moral Character and Stewardship: Explaining the Role of Enlightened Self-Interest. In Academy of Management (AOM) (Ed.), Academy of Management Global Proceedings: Responsible Lea dership in Rising Economies, 2019, 9.
Cheah, Y.H., Chai, C.S., & Toh, Y. (2019, March). Teachers' TPACK Evolvement in A Technology-Mediated Elementary Science Innovation: A Translation Perspective. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education I nternational Conference, 1, 2417-2422.
Chai, C. S., Ng, J. P. S., Cheah, Y. H., Toh, Y & Lee, J. (2016, June). Exploring Singapore Primary Three Students' Perception of Science Learning Supported by Mobile Learning Devices. In Song, Y., Wu, Y.-T., Chan, T.-W., Kong, S. C., Ma, H. H., Lai, A.-F., Chai, C. S., Wang, L., & Yu, H. (Eds.), Teacher Forum Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016, 00, 213-220.
Cheah, Y. H., Muhammad, F., Chai, C. S., & Toh, Y. (2016, June). The impact of a professional learning community on teacher learning and practice. In Song, Y., Wu, Y.-T., Chan, T.-W., Kong, S. C., Ma, H. H., Lai, A.-F., Chai, C. S., Wang, L., & Yu, H. (Eds.), Teacher Forum Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Educ ation 2016, 00, 221-228.
Liu, M., Wong, L.-H., Toh, Y., & Li, Y. (2015, May). The development of a holistic rubric for the assessment of students' socialmedia artifacts in a self-directed seamless language learning environment. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2015, 0 , 90-96.
Toh, Y., Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Lee, J. Y. L., & Ng, J. P. S. (2013, November). Complex interaction between technology, pedagogy and content knowledge: Case study in a Chinese Language classroom. In Wong, L.-H., Liu, C.-C., Hirashima, T., & Lukman, M. (Eds.), International Conferenc e on Computers in Education 2013, 1, 865-875.
Wong, L.-H., Liu, M., Aw, G. P., Li, Y., & Toh, Y. (2013, May). The enculturation strategies for the seamless language learning model of MyCLOUD. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2013, -, 1315-1323.
Wong, L.-H., Jan, M., Toh, Y., & Chai, C.-S. (2012, July). Exploratory Study on the Physical Tool-based Conceptions of Learning of Young Students in a Technology-Rich Primary School. Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2012, 1, 243-250.
Looi, C.K., Toh, Y., & Milrad, M. (2010, August). Nurturing sustainable learning eco-systems. In Cerratto-Pargman, T., Hyvonen, P., Jarvela, S., & Milrad, M. (Eds.), The First Nordic Symposium on Technology-Enhanced Learning, 1, 3-5.
Chen, W.L., Seow, S. K. P., So, H.J., Toh, Y., & Looi, C.K. (2010, June). Extending Students' learning Spaces: Technology-Supported Seamless Learning. International Conference in learning Sciences 2010., Accepted, 484-491.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Raveendaran, S., Toh, Y., Hung, D. (2018, January). Why can't we just innovate? Challenges and opportunities of building an innovative culture in schools using social capital theory. Paper presented at International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement, Singapore.
Law, N., Toh, Y., Laferriere, T., Hung, D., Lee, Y., Hamel, C., Teo, C. L., Chen, L. L., Lee, Y. L., & Raveendaran, S. (2018, January). Redefining designing principles for scalable innovations network through international comparative analysis of innovation learning architectures.. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Associat ion (AERA), New York, United States.
Toh, Y., Hung, D., & Lee, Y. L. (2017, June). Overcoming school-based impediments: Understanding bricolage and reconfiguring resources. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Lee, S. S., Jang, H., & Toh, Y. (2017, June). Situated professional development for innovation diffusion: The journey of a school-based innovation. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Raveendaran, S., Toh, Y., Hung, D., & Lee, Y. L. (2017, June). Building adaptive capacity: Transf erring social capital within multi-level learning networks. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Toh, Y., & Cheah, Y. H. (2017, June). Enabling an innovation ecosystem: A school's journey of navigating multifarious challenges of ICT-mediated change pr ocess. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Toh, Y., Hung, D., Lee, Y. L., & Raveendaran, S. (2017, June). Architecting organizational resilience for inquiry-based pedagogical innovations: A journey well-journeyed?. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Chua, P. M. H., Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., He, S. J., & Hung, D. (2016, April). Structure and agency in effective schools governance: The inter-play of centralization and decentralization at work. Paper presented at World Education Research Associa tion 2016 Focal Meeting, Washington DC, United States.
Hung, D., Toh, Y., & Jamaludin, A. (2015, November). The paradigm shift of student-centric education: Leading the case for change in schools. Paper presented at Transforming the future of educati on in Asia: BETT Asia Leadership Summit, Singapore.
Toh, Y., Hung, D. H., Chua, P. & He, S. J., & Jamaludin, A. (2015, September). Pedagogical reforms within a centralized-decentralized system: A Singapore's perspective for 21st century learning. Paper presented at World Education Research Association (WERA) Symposium: Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research, Budapest, Hungary.
Toh, Y. (2015, June). Harnessing social capital: Leadership for integrating ICT through school-university-industry partnership. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy : Lead ers, Values and Citizenshipin 21st Century Education, Singapore.
Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., & Jamaludin, A. (2015, June). A System's Model of Innovation Diffusion: Considering Top-down and Bottom-up Perspectives. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenshipin 21st Cent ury Education, Singapore.
Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., & Hung, D. (2015, June). Positive externalities of innovation diffusion: Two case studies of ecosystem carryover effects across Singapore schools. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Educa tion, Singapore.
So, H. J., Toh, Y., Boticki, I., Chen, W., & Seow, P. (2011, April). Supporting inquiry learning with mobile 2.0: A two-phased design approach. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
Verma, K., Viswanathan, S., Ong, B. H., & Toh, Y. (2019, October). Moral Character and Stewardship: Explaining the Role of Enlightened Self-Interest. In Academy of Management (AOM) (Ed.), Academy of Management Global Proceedings: Responsible Lea dership in Rising Economies, 2019, 9.
Cheah, Y.H., Chai, C.S., & Toh, Y. (2019, March). Teachers' TPACK Evolvement in A Technology-Mediated Elementary Science Innovation: A Translation Perspective. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education I nternational Conference, 1, 2417-2422.
Chai, C. S., Ng, J. P. S., Cheah, Y. H., Toh, Y & Lee, J. (2016, June). Exploring Singapore Primary Three Students' Perception of Science Learning Supported by Mobile Learning Devices. In Song, Y., Wu, Y.-T., Chan, T.-W., Kong, S. C., Ma, H. H., Lai, A.-F., Chai, C. S., Wang, L., & Yu, H. (Eds.), Teacher Forum Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2016, 00, 213-220.
Cheah, Y. H., Muhammad, F., Chai, C. S., & Toh, Y. (2016, June). The impact of a professional learning community on teacher learning and practice. In Song, Y., Wu, Y.-T., Chan, T.-W., Kong, S. C., Ma, H. H., Lai, A.-F., Chai, C. S., Wang, L., & Yu, H. (Eds.), Teacher Forum Proceedings of the 20th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Educ ation 2016, 00, 221-228.
Liu, M., Wong, L.-H., Toh, Y., & Li, Y. (2015, May). The development of a holistic rubric for the assessment of students' socialmedia artifacts in a self-directed seamless language learning environment. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2015, 0 , 90-96.
Toh, Y., Wong, L.-H., Chai, C. S., Lee, J. Y. L., & Ng, J. P. S. (2013, November). Complex interaction between technology, pedagogy and content knowledge: Case study in a Chinese Language classroom. In Wong, L.-H., Liu, C.-C., Hirashima, T., & Lukman, M. (Eds.), International Conferenc e on Computers in Education 2013, 1, 865-875.
Wong, L.-H., Liu, M., Aw, G. P., Li, Y., & Toh, Y. (2013, May). The enculturation strategies for the seamless language learning model of MyCLOUD. Proceedings of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2013, -, 1315-1323.
Wong, L.-H., Jan, M., Toh, Y., & Chai, C.-S. (2012, July). Exploratory Study on the Physical Tool-based Conceptions of Learning of Young Students in a Technology-Rich Primary School. Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2012, 1, 243-250.
Looi, C.K., Toh, Y., & Milrad, M. (2010, August). Nurturing sustainable learning eco-systems. In Cerratto-Pargman, T., Hyvonen, P., Jarvela, S., & Milrad, M. (Eds.), The First Nordic Symposium on Technology-Enhanced Learning, 1, 3-5.
Chen, W.L., Seow, S. K. P., So, H.J., Toh, Y., & Looi, C.K. (2010, June). Extending Students' learning Spaces: Technology-Supported Seamless Learning. International Conference in learning Sciences 2010., Accepted, 484-491.
Conference Papers Without Proceedings
Raveendaran, S., Toh, Y., Hung, D. (2018, January). Why can't we just innovate? Challenges and opportunities of building an innovative culture in schools using social capital theory. Paper presented at International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement, Singapore.
Law, N., Toh, Y., Laferriere, T., Hung, D., Lee, Y., Hamel, C., Teo, C. L., Chen, L. L., Lee, Y. L., & Raveendaran, S. (2018, January). Redefining designing principles for scalable innovations network through international comparative analysis of innovation learning architectures.. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Associat ion (AERA), New York, United States.
Toh, Y., Hung, D., & Lee, Y. L. (2017, June). Overcoming school-based impediments: Understanding bricolage and reconfiguring resources. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Lee, S. S., Jang, H., & Toh, Y. (2017, June). Situated professional development for innovation diffusion: The journey of a school-based innovation. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2017, Singapore.
Raveendaran, S., Toh, Y., Hung, D., & Lee, Y. L. (2017, June). Building adaptive capacity: Transf erring social capital within multi-level learning networks. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Toh, Y., & Cheah, Y. H. (2017, June). Enabling an innovation ecosystem: A school's journey of navigating multifarious challenges of ICT-mediated change pr ocess. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Toh, Y., Hung, D., Lee, Y. L., & Raveendaran, S. (2017, June). Architecting organizational resilience for inquiry-based pedagogical innovations: A journey well-journeyed?. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore.
Chua, P. M. H., Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., He, S. J., & Hung, D. (2016, April). Structure and agency in effective schools governance: The inter-play of centralization and decentralization at work. Paper presented at World Education Research Associa tion 2016 Focal Meeting, Washington DC, United States.
Hung, D., Toh, Y., & Jamaludin, A. (2015, November). The paradigm shift of student-centric education: Leading the case for change in schools. Paper presented at Transforming the future of educati on in Asia: BETT Asia Leadership Summit, Singapore.
Toh, Y., Hung, D. H., Chua, P. & He, S. J., & Jamaludin, A. (2015, September). Pedagogical reforms within a centralized-decentralized system: A Singapore's perspective for 21st century learning. Paper presented at World Education Research Association (WERA) Symposium: Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research, Budapest, Hungary.
Toh, Y. (2015, June). Harnessing social capital: Leadership for integrating ICT through school-university-industry partnership. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy : Lead ers, Values and Citizenshipin 21st Century Education, Singapore.
Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., & Jamaludin, A. (2015, June). A System's Model of Innovation Diffusion: Considering Top-down and Bottom-up Perspectives. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenshipin 21st Cent ury Education, Singapore.
Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., & Hung, D. (2015, June). Positive externalities of innovation diffusion: Two case studies of ecosystem carryover effects across Singapore schools. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Educa tion, Singapore.
So, H. J., Toh, Y., Boticki, I., Chen, W., & Seow, P. (2011, April). Supporting inquiry learning with mobile 2.0: A two-phased design approach. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues (Central)
Keynote Addresses
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., Toh, Y., & Lee, Y.L. (2016, June). 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Diffusion of Inquiry Based Practices in the Singapore Education System: Navigating eddies of the 21st century, Singapore.
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., Toh, Y., Kwek, D., Wu, L.K., Shaari, I., Lee, S.S., & Seow, P. (2016, March). Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) Roundtable 2016. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Evolutionary Trajectories of Indigenous Leadership through the Lens of Innovation Scale and Diffusion , Singapore.
Toh, Y., Chua, P. & Hung, D. (2015, June). Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Education. (Invited Panel) Leading and Improving schools for 21st Century. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Leadership for harnessing autonomous pedagogical space: Leveraging top-down support and contextualizing innovations for school improvement, Singapore.
Keynote Addresses
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., Toh, Y., & Lee, Y.L. (2016, June). 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, The Diffusion of Inquiry Based Practices in the Singapore Education System: Navigating eddies of the 21st century, Singapore.
Hung, D., Jamaludin, A., Toh, Y., Kwek, D., Wu, L.K., Shaari, I., Lee, S.S., & Seow, P. (2016, March). Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) Roundtable 2016. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Evolutionary Trajectories of Indigenous Leadership through the Lens of Innovation Scale and Diffusion , Singapore.
Toh, Y., Chua, P. & Hung, D. (2015, June). Redesigning Pedagogy: Leaders, Values and Citizenship in 21st Century Education. (Invited Panel) Leading and Improving schools for 21st Century. KEYNOTE ADDRESS, Leadership for harnessing autonomous pedagogical space: Leveraging top-down support and contextualizing innovations for school improvement, Singapore.
Other Research Outputs/Projects (Central)
Professional Articles
Peshawaria, R., & Toh, Y. (2021, May). Asian Management Insights (Singapore Management University) Steward leadership: A win-win-win model for the post-pandemic business landscape., 8(1), 56-63.
Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., & Kwek, D. (2017, March). ReED (Research in Education) Teacher Learning for the Spread of Innovation, 21, 6.
Hung, D., Lee, S. S. , Toh, Y., Wu, L. K., & Jamaludin, A. (2014, January). ReED (Research in Education) Shuttling Innovation from School to School, 14, 7.
Hung, D., Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., Wu, L. K., & Jamaludin, A. (2014, January). ReED (Research in Education) Turning Setbacks into Successes, 14, 6.
Toh , Y. (2012, June). NIE News Imbuing Scaling with New Dimension: Collaborators as Agents of Pedagogical Innovation., 81, 11.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Chow, J. L., Toh, Y., & Ong, B. H. (2020, December). Long-term Ownership and Value Creation: A Discussion Paper, 31.
Ang, C., Toh, Y., & Ong, B. H. (2020, August). Tripartism in Singapore: A stewardship journey, 51.
Viswanathan, S., Verma, K., Toh, Y., & Ong, B. H. (2020, June). Understanding Corporate Stewardship, Governance and Sustainability, 40.
Chua, P. M.-H., Hung, D., & Toh, Y. (2020, January). Successful principalship of a high performing secondary school undergoing cu rriculum transition, 40.
Koh, E., Chai, C-S., Toh, Y., Woo, H-L., Deng, S., Wen, Y., & Hung, D. (2015, May). Video-based flipped learning: Review and recommendations, 7.
Workshops and Seminars
Toh, Y., & Tan, J. (2016, October). Cultivating new ecologies of learning: Leading and sustaining change with ICT (PD Guest Lecture for Heads of School attending the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2016).
Toh, Y., Tan, J.P-L., & Hung, D. (2015, September). Ecological perspective for leading and sustaining change with ICT LEP (PLUS+) Module Guest Lecture (2.5ho urs). By invitation of Ministry of Education ETD (Learning Partnership in Educational Technology Branch). (PD Guest Lecture for ~31 Heads of School attending the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2015, organised by MOE Ed Tech Division/ Learning Partnership in Ed Tech Branch. By Invitati on).
Tan, J.P-L., Toh, Y., & Hung, D. (2015, July). Leading computer-supported collaborative learning innovations in schools to foster 21CC: Possibilities, paradoxes and pathways. (LETP Guest Lecture (2 hours). By Invitation of MOE ETD (Learning Partnership Branch). Attended by 40 Principa ls).
Toh, Y., Tan, J.P-L., & Hung, D. (2015, July). Cultivating new ecologies of learning: Leading and sustaining school-based 21STCC pedagogical innovations(PD Guest Lecture for ~40 Heads of School attending the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2015, organised by MOE Ed Tech Division/ Learning Partnership in Ed Tech Branch. By Invitation)..
Toh, Y., Chua, P., & Hung, D. (2015, May). Looking back and peering forward: Leadership for harnessing autonomous pedagogical space in Singapore schools. Invited plenary speech at the International Seminar on School Leadership 2015.
Tan, J.P-L., Toh, Y., & Hung, D. (2015, March). Integrating learning innovations to foster 21CC in formal schooling: Paradoxes, possibilities and pathways (LETP Guest Lecture (2 hours). By Invitation of MOE ETD (Learning Partnership in Ed Tech Branch). Attended by 40 Principals in the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2015).
Professional Articles
Peshawaria, R., & Toh, Y. (2021, May). Asian Management Insights (Singapore Management University) Steward leadership: A win-win-win model for the post-pandemic business landscape., 8(1), 56-63.
Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., & Kwek, D. (2017, March). ReED (Research in Education) Teacher Learning for the Spread of Innovation, 21, 6.
Hung, D., Lee, S. S. , Toh, Y., Wu, L. K., & Jamaludin, A. (2014, January). ReED (Research in Education) Shuttling Innovation from School to School, 14, 7.
Hung, D., Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., Wu, L. K., & Jamaludin, A. (2014, January). ReED (Research in Education) Turning Setbacks into Successes, 14, 6.
Toh , Y. (2012, June). NIE News Imbuing Scaling with New Dimension: Collaborators as Agents of Pedagogical Innovation., 81, 11.
Technical Reports or Monographs
Chow, J. L., Toh, Y., & Ong, B. H. (2020, December). Long-term Ownership and Value Creation: A Discussion Paper, 31.
Ang, C., Toh, Y., & Ong, B. H. (2020, August). Tripartism in Singapore: A stewardship journey, 51.
Viswanathan, S., Verma, K., Toh, Y., & Ong, B. H. (2020, June). Understanding Corporate Stewardship, Governance and Sustainability, 40.
Chua, P. M.-H., Hung, D., & Toh, Y. (2020, January). Successful principalship of a high performing secondary school undergoing cu rriculum transition, 40.
Koh, E., Chai, C-S., Toh, Y., Woo, H-L., Deng, S., Wen, Y., & Hung, D. (2015, May). Video-based flipped learning: Review and recommendations, 7.
Workshops and Seminars
Toh, Y., & Tan, J. (2016, October). Cultivating new ecologies of learning: Leading and sustaining change with ICT (PD Guest Lecture for Heads of School attending the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2016).
Toh, Y., Tan, J.P-L., & Hung, D. (2015, September). Ecological perspective for leading and sustaining change with ICT LEP (PLUS+) Module Guest Lecture (2.5ho urs). By invitation of Ministry of Education ETD (Learning Partnership in Educational Technology Branch). (PD Guest Lecture for ~31 Heads of School attending the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2015, organised by MOE Ed Tech Division/ Learning Partnership in Ed Tech Branch. By Invitati on).
Tan, J.P-L., Toh, Y., & Hung, D. (2015, July). Leading computer-supported collaborative learning innovations in schools to foster 21CC: Possibilities, paradoxes and pathways. (LETP Guest Lecture (2 hours). By Invitation of MOE ETD (Learning Partnership Branch). Attended by 40 Principa ls).
Toh, Y., Tan, J.P-L., & Hung, D. (2015, July). Cultivating new ecologies of learning: Leading and sustaining school-based 21STCC pedagogical innovations(PD Guest Lecture for ~40 Heads of School attending the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2015, organised by MOE Ed Tech Division/ Learning Partnership in Ed Tech Branch. By Invitation)..
Toh, Y., Chua, P., & Hung, D. (2015, May). Looking back and peering forward: Leadership for harnessing autonomous pedagogical space in Singapore schools. Invited plenary speech at the International Seminar on School Leadership 2015.
Tan, J.P-L., Toh, Y., & Hung, D. (2015, March). Integrating learning innovations to foster 21CC in formal schooling: Paradoxes, possibilities and pathways (LETP Guest Lecture (2 hours). By Invitation of MOE ETD (Learning Partnership in Ed Tech Branch). Attended by 40 Principals in the Leadership for Education Technology Programme 2015).
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