Academic Profile : Faculty

Yinzong Wei
Assistant Professor, School of Humanities
Wei Yinzong, Ph.D. (UBC, 2019) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Humanities at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Prior to joining NTU Singapore in 2025, he was a Research Fellow (2019-2023) and Associate Professor (2024) in the School of Language and Literature at Wuhan University. He earned his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia in 2019 with a dissertation on the marginalia culture of late Imperial China. His research interests include Late Imperial Chinese intellectual history and culture history, history of the book and reading in pan-Asian area, traditional Chinese historiography, Chinese art history and gender studies, with a particular focus in discovering meaningful points of intersection between these fields of study.

He is the author of Haodang Yousi: He Zhuo yu Qingdai de Pijiao Wenhua (Zhonghua shuju, 2021), Scholars and Their Marginalia in Late Imperial China (Brill, 2022), and many journal articles and book chapters. He is now working on two book projects: (1) “Popular Reading Practices in Late Imperial China,” is an interdisciplinary study on the history of reading, history of the book, intellectual history, and popular culture in China from around 10th to early 19th centuries. Topics include popular literacy and the reading public, pictorial literacy and the circulation of knowledge via pictures, private reading practices, female reading culture, and mass reading activities in secret societies. (2) “The Typology of Premodern Sinographic Books”, is a bibliographic study on the evolution, authentication, and classification of books written or printed in Chinese characters (Sinograph) and produced in pre-modern China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and other Asian countries.
Intellectual and Cultural History of Late Imperial China
East Asian Book History and Reading History
Chinese Bibliography and Philology
Chinese Art History
Gender Studies
Courses Taught
HC2006 - Introduction to Chinese History
HC3031 - Conquering and Conquered Dynasties: From Song to Qing