Academic Profile : Faculty
Journal Articles
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Wei Yinzong. “Marginalia Transcription and Scholarly Culture in the Qing Dynasty.” Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture 8.2 (2021): 399-421.
Wei Yinzong. “On the Fang Song Style and Song Style in Ming-Qing Editions” 關於版刻仿宋體與宋體字幾個問題的討論, Beijing Daxue Zhongguo guwenxian yanjiu zhongxin jikan 北京大學中國古文獻研究中心集刊, 27 (December, 2023): 181-200.
Rongxuan Mu, Yuhe Nie, *Kent Cao, Ruoxin You, Yinzong Wei & *Xin Tong. (2023) “Pilgrimage to Pureland: Art, Perception and the Wutai Mural VR Reconstruction,” International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2271665. (SSCI)
“Bibliography, Textual Studies, and Book History in China and the West” 中西學術視域中的“文獻學”、“文本學”和“書籍史”. The Documentation 文獻 (2023): 112-129.Wei Yinzong.
“Are the Typefaces of Yuan Editions ‘Mostly in Zhao Style’?” 元代刻本是否“字多趙體”?Hanji yu hanxue 漢籍與漢學 1 (2023): 159-169.
Wei Yinzong. “Eleven Aspects of Book History in the Qing Dynasty” 清代書籍史的十一個面向. Journal of the Institute for Chinese Classics Studies Nanjing University 古典文獻研究 25 (Dec. 2022): 16-24.
Wei Yinzong. “On the Origin of the Typeface of Tang and Song Woodblock Printing and the Style of the Typeface of Fujian Editions in Southern Song Dynasty” 唐宋版刻字體之來源:兼論南宋閩刻本的字體風格. Print Culture 4 (2022):
Wei Yinzong. “A Research of Ancient Chinese Book Containers Based on Ancient Visual Materials” 古代視覺材料中所見之古籍裝具考. Guji baohu yanjiu 古籍保護研究 8 (2021): 109-133.
Wei Yinzong. “Study and Editing of Xue Xue’s Marginalia on Wulü yinghua Held at the University of British Columbia Library”加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學圖書館藏《五律英華》薛雪批校輯考, Zhongguo shixue 中國詩學 32 (2021): 234-249.
Wei Yinzong. “Piao (gourd ladle) in Pre-Modern Chinese Writings” 說古代詩詞小說中的“瓢”. Hanji yu hanxue 漢籍與漢學 1 (2021): 194-202.
Wei Yinzong. “Qing Scholars’ Reading Diet: A Quantitative Analysis Based on Marginalia” 清代批校本中所反映的士人群體的閱讀品味. Library 圖書館 4 (2021): 94-102.
Wei Yinzong. “The Meaning of ‘yuan er’ and Han Calendars against the Divinatory Background” 說“元二”:兼論數術背景下的漢代曆法. Changjiang xueshu 長江學術 2 (2021): 113-121.
“He Zhuo’s Historiographical Thought and Textual Criticism: A Case Study on He’s Marginalia on Hou Hanshu Held at Peking University Library” 從北京大學圖書館藏《後漢書》何焯批校本看何焯的史學與校勘學. Chinese Studies 漢學研究 (Taipei) 38.2, (2020): 237-272.
Wei Yinzong. “The Map of the Astronomical Correspondence of the Nine Regions with a Record of Human Affairs from the Past to the Present Held in the Asian Library of the University of British Columbia” 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學亞洲圖書館藏 《九州分野輿圖古今人物事跡》. Mingdai yanjiu 明代研究 27 (2016 Sept.): 189-219.
Wei Yinzong. “On Qing Scholars’ Criticism of He Zhuo & He’s Relationship with Tongzhitang jingjie” 何焯與《通志堂經解》之關係及清人對何焯評價問題研究. Guji Yanjiu 古籍研究60 (2014): 284-294.
Wei Yinzong. “The Origin of Mencius’ Doctrine that ‘The People Are more Important than the Ruler’” 孟子“君輕”思想的來源. Huaxia Wenhua 華夏文化, 2011(1): 56-58.
Wei Yinzong. “The History of Reading: Sources and Methodology” 閱讀史:材料與方法, Shixue lilun yanjiu 史學理論研究 3 (2018): 109-117.
Wei Yinzong. “On the Fang Song Style and Song Style in Ming-Qing Editions” 關於版刻仿宋體與宋體字幾個問題的討論, Beijing Daxue Zhongguo guwenxian yanjiu zhongxin jikan 北京大學中國古文獻研究中心集刊, 27 (December, 2023): 181-200.
Rongxuan Mu, Yuhe Nie, *Kent Cao, Ruoxin You, Yinzong Wei & *Xin Tong. (2023) “Pilgrimage to Pureland: Art, Perception and the Wutai Mural VR Reconstruction,” International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2271665. (SSCI)
“Bibliography, Textual Studies, and Book History in China and the West” 中西學術視域中的“文獻學”、“文本學”和“書籍史”. The Documentation 文獻 (2023): 112-129.Wei Yinzong.
“Are the Typefaces of Yuan Editions ‘Mostly in Zhao Style’?” 元代刻本是否“字多趙體”?Hanji yu hanxue 漢籍與漢學 1 (2023): 159-169.
Wei Yinzong. “Eleven Aspects of Book History in the Qing Dynasty” 清代書籍史的十一個面向. Journal of the Institute for Chinese Classics Studies Nanjing University 古典文獻研究 25 (Dec. 2022): 16-24.
Wei Yinzong. “On the Origin of the Typeface of Tang and Song Woodblock Printing and the Style of the Typeface of Fujian Editions in Southern Song Dynasty” 唐宋版刻字體之來源:兼論南宋閩刻本的字體風格. Print Culture 4 (2022):
Wei Yinzong. “A Research of Ancient Chinese Book Containers Based on Ancient Visual Materials” 古代視覺材料中所見之古籍裝具考. Guji baohu yanjiu 古籍保護研究 8 (2021): 109-133.
Wei Yinzong. “Study and Editing of Xue Xue’s Marginalia on Wulü yinghua Held at the University of British Columbia Library”加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學圖書館藏《五律英華》薛雪批校輯考, Zhongguo shixue 中國詩學 32 (2021): 234-249.
Wei Yinzong. “Piao (gourd ladle) in Pre-Modern Chinese Writings” 說古代詩詞小說中的“瓢”. Hanji yu hanxue 漢籍與漢學 1 (2021): 194-202.
Wei Yinzong. “Qing Scholars’ Reading Diet: A Quantitative Analysis Based on Marginalia” 清代批校本中所反映的士人群體的閱讀品味. Library 圖書館 4 (2021): 94-102.
Wei Yinzong. “The Meaning of ‘yuan er’ and Han Calendars against the Divinatory Background” 說“元二”:兼論數術背景下的漢代曆法. Changjiang xueshu 長江學術 2 (2021): 113-121.
“He Zhuo’s Historiographical Thought and Textual Criticism: A Case Study on He’s Marginalia on Hou Hanshu Held at Peking University Library” 從北京大學圖書館藏《後漢書》何焯批校本看何焯的史學與校勘學. Chinese Studies 漢學研究 (Taipei) 38.2, (2020): 237-272.
Wei Yinzong. “The Map of the Astronomical Correspondence of the Nine Regions with a Record of Human Affairs from the Past to the Present Held in the Asian Library of the University of British Columbia” 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學亞洲圖書館藏 《九州分野輿圖古今人物事跡》. Mingdai yanjiu 明代研究 27 (2016 Sept.): 189-219.
Wei Yinzong. “On Qing Scholars’ Criticism of He Zhuo & He’s Relationship with Tongzhitang jingjie” 何焯與《通志堂經解》之關係及清人對何焯評價問題研究. Guji Yanjiu 古籍研究60 (2014): 284-294.
Wei Yinzong. “The Origin of Mencius’ Doctrine that ‘The People Are more Important than the Ruler’” 孟子“君輕”思想的來源. Huaxia Wenhua 華夏文化, 2011(1): 56-58.
Wei Yinzong. “The History of Reading: Sources and Methodology” 閱讀史:材料與方法, Shixue lilun yanjiu 史學理論研究 3 (2018): 109-117.
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Wei Yinzong. Scholars and Their Marginalia in Late Imperial China. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022.
Wei Yinzong. Floating Gossamers: He Zhuo and the Marginalia Cultural in the Qing Dynasty 浩蕩遊絲:何焯與清代的批校文化, Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2021.
Feng Ban (author), Wei Yinzong and Yang Haizheng (eds.). Miscellanea by Master Dunyin 鈍吟雜錄. Nanjing: Fenghuang Chubanshe, 2017.
Wei Yinzong. Floating Gossamers: He Zhuo and the Marginalia Cultural in the Qing Dynasty 浩蕩遊絲:何焯與清代的批校文化, Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2021.
Feng Ban (author), Wei Yinzong and Yang Haizheng (eds.). Miscellanea by Master Dunyin 鈍吟雜錄. Nanjing: Fenghuang Chubanshe, 2017.
Book Chapters
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Wei Yinzong. “The Marginalia of a Seventeenth-century Chinese Scholar.” In Marginal Notes: Social Reading and the Literal Margins, Patrick Spedding and Paul Tankard, eds. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp. 41-59.
Wei Yinzong. “Library, Collector, and Marginalia: Centered on the Books with Marginalia Held at the University of British Columbia Library” 圖書館,藏書家與批校本:以加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學所藏中文古籍批校本爲中心. In Shufang tianlu: Haiwai hanji shoucang shi yanjiu luncong 殊方天祿:海外漢籍收藏史研究論叢, Tianjin: Tianjin renmin chubanshe, 2020, 146-170.
Wei Yinzong. “Library, Collector, and Marginalia: Centered on the Books with Marginalia Held at the University of British Columbia Library” 圖書館,藏書家與批校本:以加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學所藏中文古籍批校本爲中心. In Shufang tianlu: Haiwai hanji shoucang shi yanjiu luncong 殊方天祿:海外漢籍收藏史研究論叢, Tianjin: Tianjin renmin chubanshe, 2020, 146-170.
Conference Papers
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“Typology, Forms, and Functions of Traditional Chinese Marginalia.” Accumulating Notes: Notebooks, Diaries and Related Examples of Everyday Writing as Multilayered Written Artefacts, hosted by the University of Hamburg. Hamburg, Germany.
“Chinese glossing tradition: An Introduction.” Handbook of Glossing: workshop, hosted by the University of Galway. 28-29 September, 2023. Galway, Ireland.
“Identifying the Style according to the Shape and Differentiate the Typology due to the Style: Some Reflections on the Research of Typefaces of Traditional Woodblock Printings” 依形辨体,因体分型——关于古籍版刻字体研究的几点思考, “Genre, Texts, and Forms: Frontier Forum of Chinese Classics” 文体·文献·文本形态中国古典学前沿论坛, hosted by Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. 26-27 August, 2023. Beijing, China.
“The Elegance of Desire: Books and Sex in Erotic Pictures of Late Imperial China,” 2022 “Text, Image and East Asian Culture Interaction” Virtual International Conference. 18-19 June, 2022, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
“The Coming of Manuscripts: The Early Forms of Preface and Table of Contents” 古書之聚篇成書與序、目之早期形態, International Young Scholars’ Conference on Chinese Philology (2022). Oct. 29-30, 2022, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an.
“The Writing Style of Medieval Chinese Manuscripts and Its Influence on the Typefaces of Woodblock Printing in Tang and Song Dynasties” 中古寫本之字體及其在宋元刻本中之延續, hosted by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Central China Normal University 華中師範大學, 10 October, 2021, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“Han Calendars against the Divinatory Background & some Hermeneutic Problems of Ancient Classics” 數術背景下的漢代曆法及相關術語的訓釋問題, Wuhan daxue disanjie gudai wenxue yanjiu xincailiao yu xinshiye gaoduan luntan 武漢大學第三屆古代文學研究新材料與新視野高端論壇, hosted by the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University. 20-21 March, 2021, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“Study of the History of Reading Supported by Digital Technology” 大數據支持下的閱讀史研究, Xinxi shidai de guji zhengli yu yanjiu 信息時代的古籍整理與研究, hosted by the Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 30 May, 2020, Beijing, China.
“Preliminary Study on Marginalia and Books Held at the University of British Columbia Library”加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學所藏批校本初探, Hanxue yu hanji: haiwai hanji shoucang shi yanjiu xueshu yantaohui 漢學與漢籍:海外漢籍收藏史研究學術研討會, hosted by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. 2-3 Nov., 2019, Beijing, China.
“Bibliographic Studies and the Uses of Images As Historical Evidence” 以畫證史與古典文獻的研究, Di er jie wenxianxue yu xueshushi qingnian xuezhe xueshu yantaohui 第二屆文獻學與學術史青年學者學術研討會, hosted by History Department, Central China Normal University 華中師範大學, 21-22 September, 2019, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“The Development of Evidential Research: A Case Study of the Printing of He Zhuo’s Marginalia in the Qing Dynasty” 從何焯批校的刊刻看清代學術的演變,Wenxianxue yu xueshushi qingnian xuezhe xueshu yantao hui 文獻學與學術史青年學者學術研討會, hosted by the Wuhan University. 15-16 December, 2019, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“Literary Commentary and the Layout of Late-Ming books,” Scaling the Ming, a conference on Ming Studies, hosted by the University of British Columbia. 18-19 May, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
“Marginalia as a Communication Node: A Case Study,” Marginal Notes: Social Reading and the Literal Margins, A One-Day International Conference, and Masterclass. Friday, 23 September, 2016, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
“Publisher as the Author: Meanings Created by the Format of the Book in Late Imperial China,” Many Books, Many Communities—The twelfth annual meeting of the Canada Association for The Study of Book Culture, 2016 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
“Chinese glossing tradition: An Introduction.” Handbook of Glossing: workshop, hosted by the University of Galway. 28-29 September, 2023. Galway, Ireland.
“Identifying the Style according to the Shape and Differentiate the Typology due to the Style: Some Reflections on the Research of Typefaces of Traditional Woodblock Printings” 依形辨体,因体分型——关于古籍版刻字体研究的几点思考, “Genre, Texts, and Forms: Frontier Forum of Chinese Classics” 文体·文献·文本形态中国古典学前沿论坛, hosted by Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. 26-27 August, 2023. Beijing, China.
“The Elegance of Desire: Books and Sex in Erotic Pictures of Late Imperial China,” 2022 “Text, Image and East Asian Culture Interaction” Virtual International Conference. 18-19 June, 2022, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
“The Coming of Manuscripts: The Early Forms of Preface and Table of Contents” 古書之聚篇成書與序、目之早期形態, International Young Scholars’ Conference on Chinese Philology (2022). Oct. 29-30, 2022, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an.
“The Writing Style of Medieval Chinese Manuscripts and Its Influence on the Typefaces of Woodblock Printing in Tang and Song Dynasties” 中古寫本之字體及其在宋元刻本中之延續, hosted by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Central China Normal University 華中師範大學, 10 October, 2021, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“Han Calendars against the Divinatory Background & some Hermeneutic Problems of Ancient Classics” 數術背景下的漢代曆法及相關術語的訓釋問題, Wuhan daxue disanjie gudai wenxue yanjiu xincailiao yu xinshiye gaoduan luntan 武漢大學第三屆古代文學研究新材料與新視野高端論壇, hosted by the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University. 20-21 March, 2021, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“Study of the History of Reading Supported by Digital Technology” 大數據支持下的閱讀史研究, Xinxi shidai de guji zhengli yu yanjiu 信息時代的古籍整理與研究, hosted by the Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 30 May, 2020, Beijing, China.
“Preliminary Study on Marginalia and Books Held at the University of British Columbia Library”加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學所藏批校本初探, Hanxue yu hanji: haiwai hanji shoucang shi yanjiu xueshu yantaohui 漢學與漢籍:海外漢籍收藏史研究學術研討會, hosted by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. 2-3 Nov., 2019, Beijing, China.
“Bibliographic Studies and the Uses of Images As Historical Evidence” 以畫證史與古典文獻的研究, Di er jie wenxianxue yu xueshushi qingnian xuezhe xueshu yantaohui 第二屆文獻學與學術史青年學者學術研討會, hosted by History Department, Central China Normal University 華中師範大學, 21-22 September, 2019, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“The Development of Evidential Research: A Case Study of the Printing of He Zhuo’s Marginalia in the Qing Dynasty” 從何焯批校的刊刻看清代學術的演變,Wenxianxue yu xueshushi qingnian xuezhe xueshu yantao hui 文獻學與學術史青年學者學術研討會, hosted by the Wuhan University. 15-16 December, 2019, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
“Literary Commentary and the Layout of Late-Ming books,” Scaling the Ming, a conference on Ming Studies, hosted by the University of British Columbia. 18-19 May, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
“Marginalia as a Communication Node: A Case Study,” Marginal Notes: Social Reading and the Literal Margins, A One-Day International Conference, and Masterclass. Friday, 23 September, 2016, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
“Publisher as the Author: Meanings Created by the Format of the Book in Late Imperial China,” Many Books, Many Communities—The twelfth annual meeting of the Canada Association for The Study of Book Culture, 2016 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
Keynote Speeches & Editorship of Special Issues
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Distinguished Humanities Lecture: “Readership in Late Imperial China.” Nov. 8, 2024, Xi’an, China.
Public Lecture: “Scholars and Their Marginalia in Late Imperial China: Sources, Methodology, and New Dynamics of Reading History.” Public Lecture Series on “New Directions in Premodern Chinese Studies” (5), hosted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Oct. 27, 2023. Online/Hong Kong, China.
Keynote Speech “Practices and Representations of Books in Late Imperial China.” Hosted by the History Department, Beijing Normal University, 18 May, 2023, Beijing, China.
Keynote Speech “Intended Reader and Historical Reader: A Historical Study on the Readers in Ming and Qing China.” Hosted by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing University, 15 April, 2023. Nanjing, China.
Keynote speech: “The Coming of the History of Books” 書籍史的誕生, hosted by History Department, Central China Normal University 華中師範大學, 24 September, 2021, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
Keynote speech: “The Transcription of Marginalia, the Establishment of Scholarly Relationship, and the Circulation of Scholarly Sources in the Qing Dynasty” 清代批校的過錄、清人學術關係的構建與學術知識的傳播, Qingdai shuji shi de yangtai yu bianjie 清代書籍史的樣態與邊界, hosted by the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing University. 9-11 Oct., 2020, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
Guest Lecture: “Publishing Boom in the Late Ming Period,” in ASIA 501B: Research Methods and Source Materials in Classical Chinese Studies, 2016, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
Public Lecture: “Scholars and Their Marginalia in Late Imperial China: Sources, Methodology, and New Dynamics of Reading History.” Public Lecture Series on “New Directions in Premodern Chinese Studies” (5), hosted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Oct. 27, 2023. Online/Hong Kong, China.
Keynote Speech “Practices and Representations of Books in Late Imperial China.” Hosted by the History Department, Beijing Normal University, 18 May, 2023, Beijing, China.
Keynote Speech “Intended Reader and Historical Reader: A Historical Study on the Readers in Ming and Qing China.” Hosted by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing University, 15 April, 2023. Nanjing, China.
Keynote speech: “The Coming of the History of Books” 書籍史的誕生, hosted by History Department, Central China Normal University 華中師範大學, 24 September, 2021, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
Keynote speech: “The Transcription of Marginalia, the Establishment of Scholarly Relationship, and the Circulation of Scholarly Sources in the Qing Dynasty” 清代批校的過錄、清人學術關係的構建與學術知識的傳播, Qingdai shuji shi de yangtai yu bianjie 清代書籍史的樣態與邊界, hosted by the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing University. 9-11 Oct., 2020, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
Guest Lecture: “Publishing Boom in the Late Ming Period,” in ASIA 501B: Research Methods and Source Materials in Classical Chinese Studies, 2016, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
Other Research Outputs/Projects
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“Catalogue of Premodern Chinese Marginalia” 中国古籍批校本目录, Directly Funded Projects (2022) by the Council for Editing and Research Classical Chinese Texts in Universities and Colleges 全國高等院校古籍整理研究委員會(2022)直接資助項目.
“Pilgrimage to Pureland: Art, Perception and the Wutai Mural VR Reconstruction,” supported by the Houtu Research Award, project #22KDKUF046. Team member: Kent Cao (AP., Duke Kunshan University), Yinzong Wei (ARF., Wuhan University), Xin Tong (AP.,Duke Kunshan University); Yuhe Xia (Stu., Southern University of Science and Technology), Rongxuan Mu (Stu., Tianjin University), Ruoxin You (Stu., Duke Kunshan University).
“Pilgrimage to Pureland: Art, Perception and the Wutai Mural VR Reconstruction,” supported by the Houtu Research Award, project #22KDKUF046. Team member: Kent Cao (AP., Duke Kunshan University), Yinzong Wei (ARF., Wuhan University), Xin Tong (AP.,Duke Kunshan University); Yuhe Xia (Stu., Southern University of Science and Technology), Rongxuan Mu (Stu., Tianjin University), Ruoxin You (Stu., Duke Kunshan University).