Academic Profile : Faculty

Asst Prof Tan Yong Kiam _1.jpg picture
Asst Prof Tan Yong Kiam
Nanyang Assistant Professor, College of Computing & Data Science
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Dr. Yong Kiam TAN is a Nanyang Assistant Professor in the College of Computing and Data Science at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He also holds a joint appointment as a research scientist at the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore. He completed his PhD in Computer Science (Pure and Applied Logic) at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. André Platzer; his PhD dissertation was awarded CMU's School of Computer Science Distinguished Dissertation Award 2022.

Dr. Tan's research interests lie in applications of deductive verification and interactive theorem proving in areas such as automated reasoning, compilers, formalized mathematics, hybrid systems, and security (cryptography). More information can be found at his personal
My current topics of interest include the following topics; see webpage for more links and references.

Trustworthy automated reasoning. To build practical, formally verified certification mechanisms and frameworks for automated reasoning tools.

Verification of (randomized) algorithms. To formally verify state-of-the-art automated reasoning algorithms, where either the algorithm or the system being analyzed (or both) have probabilistic behavior.

Verification of hybrid systems and control. To develop and apply logics for control-theoretic reasoning in hybrid systems, and to mechanize these developments in a proof assistant.

Compiler verification and optimization. To enhance the verified CakeML compiler and associated tools, especially in support of the above goals.

I am also interested in formalized mathematics, computer-aided cryptography, and formalization in theoretical computer science.