Collection Statistics: ADM Journal Articles

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US - United States of America 28748
CN - China 6818
SG - Singapore 5348
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DE - Germany 2795
GB - United Kingdom 1804
IE - Ireland 1750
RU - Russian Federation 1184
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Total 63345
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可持续遗产影响因素理论——遗产评估和规划的复杂性框架研究 = Sustainable Heritage Impact Factor Theory (SHIFT) : a complexity framework for heritage assessment and planning 2629
Collaborative learning : a means to creative thinking in design 1741
Singapore voices : an interactive installation about languages to (re)(dis)cover the intergenerational distance 1690
Interactive Sonification of Weather Data for The Locust Wrath, a Multimedia Dance Performance 1571
Reflections on aspects of music interactivity in performance situations 1529
Psychoacoustic, physical, and perceptual features of restaurants : a field survey in Singapore 1301
Visual literacy for engineering undergraduates 1280
Communication as a cognitive tool in visual learning 1264
Sound art Singapore : conversation with Pete Kellock, Zul Mahmod and Mark Wong 1243
Gunboat diplomacy : Turkey, USA and the advent of the cold war 1185
Maps as Knowledge Aggregators: from Renaissance Italy Fra Mauro to Web Search Engines 1162
In the company of trees 1142
Releasing engineers' creativity using media experience 1110
Special issue on sound art and interactivity in Singapore : SI13 and More 1072
This tumult in the clouds': CRW Nevinson and the development of the 'airscape' 1011
Using blog to develop an online exhibition for typography research and education 958
A taxonomy of sound sources in restaurants 954
Art at the edges of materiality 942
Venturing out safely: The biogeography of Homo erectus dispersal out of Africa 919
Visual communication skills for business and engineering students 900
Creative thinking through visual literacy 898
Exemplar-based portrait photograph enhancement as informed by portrait paintings 881
Comparison of practical color application by visual artists in different fields : a sharing of their learning, teaching, and practical experience of color theory 879
“Leçons”: an Approach to a System for Machine Learning, Improvisation and Musical Performance 863
The design of user-defined packaging as a tool to educate visual education students 858
An overview of research methods in visual communication design education 822
The British Football Academy : a design thinking approach to branding strategy 813
Tonal design : a mathematical guide in constructing mood and weather 813
Colour Association with Music Is Mediated by Emotion: Evidence from an Experiment Using a CIE Lab Interface and Interviews 787
From Chinese aesthetics to art and design : bringing Chinese aesthetics in Chinese ink paintings into product design 763
Art and design pedagogy for tomorrow’s lifelong learners 742
Mapping and Visualizing Linguistic and Territorial Convergent Data Imola and Its Environment as a Case Study 737
Connecting reminiscence, art making and cultural heritage: A pilot art-for-dementia care programme 734
A phenomenographic study of students’ conceptions of formal research procedures 726
Pedagogy for creative collaboration 716
Counterfactual Thoughts in Photography 715
Colonial volunteerism and recruitment in the British empire during the Great War 715
On the Name of Book Wrighting: Irma Boom’s “Transformative Crossover” Production 683
Disruption of the Broadcast 682
Modone e Corone nello Stato veneto (1207-1500 e 1685-1715). Indagine esemplare di esegesi delle fonti sulla Grecia veneziana = Modon: a city-port in the Venetian State (1207-1500 and 1685-1715). A case study for the interpretation of the sources about Greece during Venetian domination 668
The research poster and how it consolidates and communicates key concepts of a research inquiry 668
Porous Emerald 657
Book history scholarship: creation, transmission of knowledge and archives 647
Cross-modal perception of noise-in-music : audiences generate spiky shapes in response to auditory roughness in a novel electroacoustic concert setting 640
Visual language skills – do business students need them 637
Enhancing the experience of the Western Xia Imperial Tombs heritage site (PRC, Ningxia) through animated installations 632
Knowledge evolution in physics research: An analysis of bibliographic coupling networks 611
Houses of Mendicant Orders in the Venetian Messenia: the documentary evidence until 1500 (Case di ordini mendicanti nella Messenia veneziana: testimonianze documentarie fino al 1500) 597
Personality traits bias the perceived quality of sonic environments 591
Wandering machines narrativity in generative art 579
For a history of the manuscript Phillipps 9589. (Per una storia del manoscritto [Phillipps 9589] in Salvatore LORUSSO, Studio multidisciplinare del Codice Dantesco con Palinsesto già Phillipps 9589. Nota 1. Storia e preliminare indagine diagnostica) 578
Joseph Beuys: Una domesticación posible de lo cotidiano = Joseph Beuys: A Possible Domestication of the Status Quo 577
Phasmagraphy: A potential future for artistic imaging 568
Documents of the notary Victor Gaffaro. For a virtual archive of Venetian documents drawn up in Constantinople (1336-1341) 553
Practical application of browns and grays based on a vector concept : the practical strength the asymmetrical Munsell color space 549
Defining heritage science : a consilience pathway to treasuring the complexity of inheritable human experiences through historical method, AI and ML 543
The silhouette zoetrope : a new blend of motion, mirroring, depth, and size illusions 530
Visually documenting dishonesty through the dual modalities of distraction and discomfort 526
Scube - concept and implementation of a self-balancing, autonomous mobility device for personal transport 502
Eric Bogle’s No Man’s Land and the grave of Willie McBride at the Somme 488
Modalità e tempi dell’inizio del domino diretto dei venetici sul Peloponneso (1204-1209) e la scelta di governare direttamente solo Korone e Methone 483
Exaggerated expectations in ancient starch research and the need for new taphonomic and authenticity criteria 477
Animation of two-dimensional pictorial works into multipurpose three-dimensional objects. The atlas of the ships of the known world depicted in the 1460 Fra Mauro's mappa mundi as a showcase 472
Towards a caring practice : reflections on the processes and components of arts-health practice 438
Conclusion and future work : provenance and validation from the humanities to automatic acquisition of semantic knowledge and machine reading for news and historical sources indexing/summary 436
Art and design education in the ecology of care 432
Lights, virtual camera, action! 432
Interfaces and intentionalities : adjacent practices of urban media arts in Singapore 428
Avoid setup : insights and implications of generative cinema 425
Forensics of a molten crystal : challenges of archiving and representing contemporary generative art 422
Layered images : the desire to see more than the obvious 399
The urban beautician : a practice of transferring ephemeral interventions in the public space via media into a work of art 381
Study of calligraphic brushwork in Singapore watercolour art 365
What’s the big tridea? 360
Conceptions of design research : discursive phenomenography in undergraduate visual communication design research 351
War poems : a transgression of objective and linear imagery towards the avant-garde in animation 350
A pile of ghosts: a cinematic heterotopia of spectral urbanization 348
Incorporating Chinese calligraphic concept in 3D space 341
The teaching of the concept of color harmony and its ambiguity 337
Crafting the next generation of web-based learning tools for manuscript artefacts in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. A focus on science, technology, and engineering codices, world maps, and archival documents in exhibition settings 302
Heritage visualisation and potential speculative reconstructions in digital space : the medieval church of St. Anne in Famagusta, Cyprus 296
Eden in Iraq: a wastewater design project as bio-art—a confluence of nature and culture, design and ecology, in Southern Iraq marshes 269
Visual design for a mobile pandemic map system for public health 257
Of haunted spaces: artistic research in filmmaking 244
Connecting the dots: the state of arts and health in Singapore 244
The emergence of graphene research topics through interactions within and beyond 240
Coupling the beams: how controlled extraction methods and FTIR-spectroscopy, OM and SEM reveal the grinding of starchy plants in the Pontic steppe 36,000 years ago 187
Transformative pedagogy and visual Literacy: reframing art and design student perspectives on sustainability with illustrated infographics 137
Pericles, Prince of Tyre: transforming a Shakespeare play for gamified experience 131
Design & study of cost-effective conservation of watercolor paper 127
Visual plagiarism and a new framework to address localised opinions and perceptions in applied arts education 125
Morpho-chemical characterization of individual ancient starches retrieved on ground stone tools from Palaeolithic sites in the Pontic steppe 110
Foxing of watercolor paper and environmental control as preventive actions 68
Animacion en entornos inmersivos: ampliación de las teorías de la autenticidad en contextos educativos historicos y politic = Animation in immersive environments: expanding theories of authenticity in educational, historical, and political contexts 65
Telemetric feeling in Tita Salina and Irwan Ahmett's The Ring of Fire (2014–Present) 64
Pericles VR: towards pedagogical innovation through gamified adaptation of classic literature 52
Total 63366

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2020 0333 703610357275 468213580195 452674 4860
2021 238425 428706726753 1388946534871 762973 8750
2022 844679 9538611129551 9351331323463 285284 8638
2023 1131243 378282467527 1834337731074 6921470 7653
2024 1853556 613912396570 645143111391111 428585 10239
2025 1194260 0000 0000 00 1454
Ever 63366