Collection Statistics: NBS Conference Papers

from:  ever     to:   now     Change date range
Country #
US - United States of America 7654
SG - Singapore 1579
CN - China 1360
FR - France 1273
DE - Germany 885
IE - Ireland 455
SE - Sweden 433
RU - Russian Federation 353
GB - United Kingdom 325
FI - Finland 233
other - Other Country 2457
Total 17007
Most viewed items #
Affective, non-calculative and social motivation to lead : what we know from studies of entrepreneurial, professional & leadership motivation 3015
Gender and the motivation to lead : what we know from studies of entrepreneurial, professional and leadership in the 21st century 2202
Real-time comprehensive sociometrics for two-person dialogs 1570
Effects of simultaneous auctions on willingness-to-pay in online auctions 1244
Work-life conflict and job mobility intentions 1218
Product versus non-product oriented social media platforms : online consumer opinion composition and evolution 972
Professional career aspiration and professionalism among university students: A challenge of professional development in the 21st century 906
Attitudinal versus psychosocial resource measures of career adaptability and boundaryless career attitudes 833
A stochastic programming approach for risk management in mobile cloud computing 577
The impacts of business process reengineering on organizational control 553
Design thinking principles for leadership competency development 477
Social-psychological interventions for cognitive empathy as leadership ability development in business students 472
Joint pricing and security investment for cloud-insurance : a security interdependency perspective 449
Using design thinking to promote displays of cognitive empathy in undergraduates 448
When practitioners and scientists collide : an evidence-based activity for management education 435
KOMIDA : making microfinance digital in Indonesia 372
Career patterns in entrepreneurial, occupational and leadership dimensions : optimal matching analysis with multiple job roles 324
The influence of values on entrepreneurial, professional, and career motivations 296
Measuring work-related learning mindsets for graduate employment and employability in the context of protean careers 239
Conceptualising the meaning of working for Singaporean graduates aligned with 21st century economic and social policy: “market, meaning & me” 219
Legal monolingualism in a multilingual state: whither bilingual legal education in Singapore? 186
Total 17007

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 00082 785 165
2020 495 1431656842 96239760 108211 1112
2021 39116 51144201202 443297155245 216226 2335
2022 187150 276157347149 23021582178 7785 2133
2023 38245 24264191139 91296301213 164368 2496
2024 288124 9725690153 16530523165 00 1774
Ever 17007