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US - United States of America 1409735
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Total 3455350
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团派与中共派系政治 = “Tuan Pai” and factionalism in Chinese politics 56718
Causes of Singapore’s declining birth rate. 21981
祖神·主神·组神 :新加坡朱邢李三王府大人角色与功能研究 = Ancestral gods, principal gods, constituent gods : the study of Singapore Zhu Xing Li Royal Lords belief 7965
论阮籍诗文中的逃避主义 = Escapism in the literary works of Ruan Ji 7534
Alfian Sa'at : negotiating the inauthenticity of Singapore's identity 5768
《华语语系社群在新加坡:以梁智强和陈子谦的电影为例》= Sinophone community in Singapore : a case study on the films of Jack Neo and Royston Tan 5696
Impact of Singapore’s ageing population on the macroeconomy. 5641
罗子涵的实验性电影〈单〉对新加坡母亲与同志身份的重构 = A study of Loo Zihan’s experimental film "Solos" and its reconstruction of the image of Singapore mother and the homosexual identity 5026
Singapore literature in English : an annotated bibliography 4443
‘Sandwiched transmigrants’ : senior-middle 1 (SM1) scholars from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and their sense of attachment to Singapore 4367
Beyond racism in Mister Johnson : Joyce Cary's love for the colonized Nigerian, and critique of the British empire. 4269
新加坡早期建筑女工“蓝头巾”初探 :兼与“红头巾”作比较 = A study of the female construction workers "Lan Tou Jin" in the early days of Singapore : in comparison with "Samsui Women" 4143
K-pop fandom & sasaeng fans : an exploratory study of hardcore Singaporean fans. 4068
Nimby syndrome in Singapore : a study on eldercare facilities. 3818
Not so "chee bai" anymore : a look at Hokkien swear words in Singapore and how they have changed over time. 3798
The hunter and the wolf : male gender roles in little red riding hood 3746
博弈、妥协与定位 :以娄烨电影《颐和园》为例探讨身体政治 = Contest, compromise and counteract : an analysis of body politics from summer palace directed by Lou Ye 3699
Vietnam war and its influence on Singapore 3532
端华学校 :柬埔寨华文教育的案例 = Duan Hua (Toun Fa) Chinese School : a case of Chinese education in Cambodia 3344
Ethnic identity & war : the Eurasians of Singapore during the Japanese Occupation 3332
1965 年后新加坡小学华文课本中的儿童文学选材研究 = A study of materials selection of children’s literature found in Singapore primary chinese textbooks since 1965 3302
The reproduction of social inequality through meritocracy : education in Singapore. 3295
Postmodern identity and philosophy in Toni Morrison's Sula. 3189
Educational inequality in Singapore : the impact of family background on the schooling of children. 2898
Alice in Wonderland as a precursor to the theatre of the absurd. 2880
Are Singaporeans selfish, altruistic or dynastic? 2831
新加坡的中国留学生现象 :南洋理工大学与新加坡国立大学案例研究 = Phenomenon of China students in Singapore : a case study of Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore 2830
The value of statistical life in Singapore. 2826
Corporate social responsibility - a case study of Starbucks. 2762
Five contemporary challenges for Confucianism 2576
《越界之恋与现代性的欲望想像:论王韬〈淞隐漫录〉与〈漫游随录〉的漫游、言情与追忆》= The desire in crossing the border and the imagining of desire in modernity : a study of the wanderings, romances and reminiscences in Wangtao’s “SongYin ManLu” and “ManYou SuiLu" 2559
Open source machine translation with DELPH-IN 2546
The effectiveness of workfare income supplement scheme in helping the poor in Singapore. 2546
Gender wage differences in the Philippines labour market. 2526
中华传统宗教信仰在东南亚的蜕变:新加坡的道教和佛教研究 = Transformation of traditional Chinese religious beliefs in South-East Asian society : a case study of Taoism and Buddhism in Singapore 2513
Men in conflict : a study on the construction of masculinity in Singapore 2513
从勒菲弗尔三要素理论理解翻译者的文化背景和目标读者的文化影响翻译 :以比较两本《论语》的英译本為例 = Understanding translator’s cultural background and receiving culture affects translation from the perspective of Lefebvre’s three-factor theory : a comparative study of two English-translated analects works 2496
家族、种族、国族:马来西亚华人的移民境遇 = Family, race, nation : Malaysian Chinese experience 2461
Achievement motivation in the social context : implicit and explicit Hope of Success and Fear of Failure predict memory for and liking of successful and unsuccessful peers 2425
论马华作家的后殖民与移民书写 :以黎紫书、黄锦树、张贵兴为例 = Postcolonial and migration writings among Malaysian Chinese writers : a case study of Li Zishu, Huang Jinshu and Zhang Guixing 2365
"模仿欲望" :《肉蒲团》和《绣榻野史》中性欲的表现 = Mimesis of desire : sexual desires in “Carnal Prayer Mat” and “Incest of the Two Absurd Families” 2353
New Chinese immigrants in Singapore : barriers of integration 2294
新加坡的华文同志剧场(1992—2011 年)= Chinese gay theatre in Singapore (1992–2011) 2290
Multiword expressions : a pain in the neck for NLP 2247
新加坡佛教与道教混杂现象研究 :以乩童的降神仪式作为田野个案 = A study of Buddhism and Taoism mixed phenomenon in Singapore : observation from Séances 2218
新谣起源的历史研究 = The emergence of Xinyao (Singapore Ballads) 2205
现代中国“同志”的修辞学 -- 从郁达夫的《茫茫夜》到王小波的《革命时期的爱情》和《东宫.西宫》= The rhetoric of “Comrade” in modern China : from Yu Dafu's "Boundless Night" to Wang Xiaobo's "Love in the Revolutionary Period" and "East Palace, West Palace" 2136
Validation of the short form of the child-parent relationship scale in an Asian context. 2121
英译汉过程中选择行为的实证研究 = Choice-making in the process of English-to-Chinese translation : an empirical study 2089
Deceptive feminist : the failure of feminism in Salman Rushdie’s fiction 2085
义顺新镇 :从新镇英文译名看新加坡华人主体性的建构 = A study on the construction of Singapore Chinese subjectivity : through the translated English name of Yishun New Town 2024
Internal migration in China: Linking it to development 2007
Multiword expressions : linguistic precision and reusability 2006
从荒域到V城:王韬和董启章的香港故事与男性建构 = Stories of Hong Kong : a masculinity perspective on Wang Tao and Dung Kai Cheung’s writings 1998
Design and construction of a machine-tractable Malay-English lexicon 1998
Tattoo taboos in the workplace 1973
新加坡歌台年轻化现象探析 = A study of the rejuvenating trends in Singapore's getai culture 1968
Tissue paper peddling in Singapore : begging or a job? 1965
“性育”的底线:以张竞生主编的《新文化》月刊为中心 = The bottom-line of “sex education” : focusing on the Journal New Culture, edited by Zhang Jingsheng 1953
人生似幻化,终当归空无 :《桃花源记》与《桃花源诗》之比较 = Comparison between “Tao Hua Yuan Ji” and “Tao Hua Yuan Shi” 1931
从沈从文的小说《丈夫》到黄蜀芹的电影《村妓》= From Shen Cong-wen’s short story "The Husband" to Huang Shu-qin’s film "Mainland Prostitute" 1930
一个生生不息的行业 :新加坡华人殡葬业洪振茂寿板店案例研究 = A matter of life and death : Ang Chin Moh Casket, a chinese family funeral business in Singapore. 1924
1920年代台湾知识分子运动对民族意识的影响 = The influence of the intellectual movements on nationalism in Taiwan in the 1920’s 1915
The relevance of traditional wet markets in modern Singapore. 1910
从陈子谦的电影《881》看新加坡的歌台文化 = Getai culture : from the perspective of Royston Tan in "881" 1902
Game localization : the role of translation in cross-cultural communication 1901
Disagreement, confusion, disapproval, turn elicitation and floor holding : actions as accomplished by ellipsis marks-only turns and blank turns in quasisynchronous chats 1894
Divorce and remarriage among the Malays in Singapore. 1889
Different cultures one place : a study on neighborhood parks and social cohesion in Singapore. 1879
宋玉《神女赋》对曹植《洛神赋》的影响 = The influence of Song Yu's "Shen Nv Fu" towards Cao Zhi's "Luo Shen Fu" 1864
变与不变之间 :新加坡华语与新加坡华语的形成机制 = Variant and invariant : a preliminary approach to the exploration of the emergence of Singapore Mandarin 1857
新加坡丽的呼声: 一个消失中的方言符号 = Singapore's Rediffusion : A Waning Symbol of Chinese Dialect. 1855
《新客》:新加坡第一部华语电影的书报讨论 = Discussions of the first Singapore Chinese-language film, Xinke (new immigrant) 1837
《从“同性恋爱”到“走向革命”:《我的童年》与郭沫若日后的“自我改造”》= “From homosexuality to revolution : on the years of my boyhood and Kuo Mo-jo’s later-day ‘‘self-reform’‘ 1835
马来西亚华语名类量词实证研究 :以槟城、吉隆坡、新山为例 1835
Beauty ideals among young adults in Singapore. 1833
Deconstructing the kiasu parent in Singapore 1816
The passive voice in scientific writing. The current norm in science journals 1806
Development of the Japanese WordNet 1797
新加坡华语与普通话常用词汇的对比研究 :以新加坡本地大学生与中国留学生的判断为例 = A comparative study on daily used vocabularies of Singaporean Mandarin and Mainland China Mandarin : based on Singaporean and Chinese undergraduates in Singapore 1792
A Singapore way of life : an investigation into kiasu-ism as a way of life. 1783
English in China today 1774
The Hinoki treebank : a treebank for text understanding 1767
Parentocracy : the new meritocracy in the face of widening social inequality 1759
Healthcare affordability in Singapore. 1753
Metalinguistic filters within the bilingual language faculty : a study of young English-Chinese bilinguals 1747
《华语电影-命名的起点:论易水的电影实践与《马来亚化华语电影问题》= The origins of the term "Chinese-language Cinema" : on Yi Shui’s practice of filming and "on issues of the Malayanization of Chinese-language cinema” 1742
重写中国近代史:二十世纪九十年代早期对现代性的回应 = Rewriting modern chinese history : echoing the modern during the early 1990s 1735
A reexamination of MRD-based word sense disambiguation 1734
不曾离弃社会的作者 :新华作家苗芒作品研究 = The one who stood by his society : a study of the works of Miao Mang as a Singapore Chinese writer 1732
王安石文新注 = Anthology and annotation of Wang Anshi’s prose 1719
A literature review on Singapore's individualism and collectivism research 1702
Japan and the Kyoto protocol : pespectives from power generation. 1701
Xunzi on the origin of goodness : a new interpretation 1701
冷战与现代化 :以国际电影懋业有限公司为例 = Cold war and modernisation : a case study of the Motion Picture & General Investment Co Ltd 1701
政治、文学与翻译——以《 世界文学》为例(1953-1966)= Politics, literature and translation in the People's Republic of China : a case study of "Shijie Wenxue" ("World Literature") (1953-1966) 1699
新加坡华人传统街戏 :走进歌仔戏 = Singapore traditional street opera performances : a case study of Hokkien opera 1693
A grammar of Pnar 1693
徐渭《雌木兰代父从军》研究 = A study on Xu Wei's "Ci Mulan Dai Fu Cong Jun" 1689
论1920年代后期至1930年代茅盾的翻译活动 = On Mao Dun’s Translation Activities from the Late 1920s' to 1930s' 1686
Total 330869

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