ATMRI Conference Papers

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 130
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A data-driven framework for modelling complexity in terminal manoeuvring areaLim, Zhi Jun; Dhief, Imen; Pham, Duc-Thinh; Alam, Sameer; Delahaye, Daniel
2024A reinforcement learning approach for flight rerouting in space launch failure scenarios with dynamic debris hazardsZhou, Wei; Wang, Zhengyi; Alam, Sameer; Dhief, Imen
2024Advancing beyond conformal conflict resolution in air traffic control: balancing efficiency and conformanceGuleria, Yash; Pham, Duc-Thinh; Alam, Sameer
2024HELA-VFA: a hellinger distance-attention-based feature aggregation network for few-shot classificationLee, Gao Yu; Dam, Tanmoy; Poenar, Daniel Puiu; Duong, Vu N.; Ferdaus, Md Meftahul
2023Unearthing ATCO decision instructional pattern from simulator dataZakaria, Zainuddin; Lye, Sun Woh; Endy, Susanto
2023A portable cognitive tool for engagement level and activity identificationTeo, Terry; Lye, Sun Woh; Li, Yu Fei; Zakaria, Zainuddin
 2023UAV flight test and its endurance degradation modelling by considering the energy efficiency and flight stability factorsWang, Jinlong; Govind, Siddesh; Hu, Xinting; Feroskhan, Mir
2023Operational feasibility assessment of the Free Route Airspace concept in the ASEAN regionTominaga, Koji; Chan, Amos Ken Wen; Sultana, Joe; Schultz, Michael; Itoh, Eri; Duong, Vu N.
2023Introduction of moving sectors for flow-centric airspace managementSchultz, Michael; Tominaga, Koji; Itoh, Eri; Duong, Vu N.
2023A multi-modal approach to measuring the effect of XAI on air traffic controller trust during off-nominal runway exitsPushparaj, Kiranraj; Reddy, Pratusha; Vu-Tran, Duy; Izzetoglu, Kurtulus; Alam,Sameer
2023Urban performance-based navigation (uPBN): addressing the CNS variation problem in the urban airspace in the context of UAS traffic managementDai, Wei; Deng, Chao
2023A supervised learning approach for 4D air traffic conflict prediction under trajectory uncertaintyMohamed Arif Mohamed; Dang, Huu Phuoc; Alam, Sameer
2023Path planning for drone delivery in dense building environmentsHu, Xinting; Wu, Yu; Pang, Bizhao
2023Assessment of Ant colony optimization on inducing non-uniform population distribution for UAS risk assessment in urban environmentsGracious, John; Sivakumar, Anush Kumar; Feroskhan, Mir
2023Quantification of motor failure influence on quad-rotor crash area using statistical analysisSivakumar, Anush Kumar; Thanaraj, T.; Feroskhan, Mir
2023Evaluation of ATCO situational awareness in a flow-centric air traffic environment using SAGATPushparaj, Kiranraj; Ahmad Sufian Bin Jumad; Vu-Tran, Duy; Tominaga, Koji; Alam, Sameer
2023Population density estimation for dynamic ground risk assessment of drone operationsPang, Bizhao; Hu, Xinting; Poh, Yi Yang; Low, Kin Huat
2022Partially-observable monocular autonomous navigation for UAVs through deep reinforcement learningZhang, Yuhang; Low, Kin Huat; Lv, Chen
2023Simulation of wind field in a building complex for evaluation of the wind effect along UAS flight pathNathanael, Joshua Christian; Wang, John Chung-Hung; Low, Kin Huat
2023Cleared to land a multi-view vision-based deep learning approach for distance-to-touchdown predictionPham, Duc-Thinh ; Goenawan, Gabriel James; Alam, Sameer ; Koelle, Rainer
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 130