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Title: The Age of Phillis and Collage — The Age of Phillis (Roundtable)
Authors: Mazella, David
Keywords: Humanities::Literature::English
Issue Date: 2021
Source: Mazella, D. (2021). The Age of Phillis and Collage — The Age of Phillis (Roundtable). Studies in Religion and the Enlightenment, 2(2), 32-34.
Journal: Studies in Religion and the Enlightenment 
Abstract: As I told our group at one of the first meetings, I was approaching Jeffers’s poems as someone who had taught Wheatley Peters to undergraduates, but without much suc-cess. Wheatley Peters seemed to cause (I seemed to cause) a mix of discomfort and strained, dutiful attention in my “diverse” classes featuring mostly white authors. Students sometimes expressed frustration, too, at the disconnect between the tragedies, losses, and dis-placements summarized in the biographies and the formal constructions and tone of the po-etry. My attempts to provide context also fell flat. The parallels to Pope and the bare bio-graphical summaries did not help. Introducing responses to her from poets like Amiri Baraka and the Black Arts Movement made things even less comfortable, because I had not made any connections between those poets, their situations, and their poetics in our class.
ISSN: 2661-3336
DOI: 10.32655/srej.2021.2.2.10
Schools: School of Humanities 
Rights: © 2021 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, & the Brigham Young University Faculty Publishing Service.
Fulltext Permission: open
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:Studies in Religion and the Enlightenment

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