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Title: Faculty CV system
Authors: Zeng, Ziyao
Keywords: Engineering::Computer science and engineering::Software::Software engineering
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Nanyang Technological University
Source: Zeng, Z. (2021). Faculty CV system. Final Year Project (FYP), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Project: A2307-201
Abstract: In academic life, faculties use Curriculum Vitae (CV) to apply for academic positions and grants. Depending on the specific purpose, CV has to be tailored by placing the most relevant and up-to-date sections. Currently, faculties always save CV as a file and use a word editor for editing. However, CVs are typically 40 pages long, which are cumbersome for human management. Therefore, the project aims to design and implement an application that supports faculties in managing their CVs user-friendly. The main functionalities include manual editing, displaying information in a pre-defined manner, such as displaying information within a specific time range, updating information automatically and exporting selected information as a document following standard CV template. Considering the functionalities designed, a full-stack web application is implemented using MongoDB, Redis, Spring Boot and Angular. Starting with a brief introduction to the project, the report will cover literature review, system architecture, implementation process, system testing, conclusion and future work.
Schools: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 
Fulltext Permission: restricted
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:EEE Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

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