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Title: Safe decision-making for lane-change of autonomous vehicles via human demonstration-aided reinforcement learning
Authors: Wu, Jingda
Huang, Wenhui
de Boer, Niels
Mo, Yanghui
He, Xiangkun
Lv, Chen
Keywords: Engineering::Civil engineering::Transportation
Engineering::Mechanical engineering::Motor vehicles
Issue Date: 2022
Source: Wu, J., Huang, W., de Boer, N., Mo, Y., He, X. & Lv, C. (2022). Safe decision-making for lane-change of autonomous vehicles via human demonstration-aided reinforcement learning. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 1228-1233.
Project: W1925d0046 
Conference: 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
Abstract: Decision-making is critical for lane change in autonomous driving. Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms aim to identify the values of behaviors in various situations and thus they become a promising pathway to address the decision- making problem. However, poor runtime safety hinders RL- based decision-making strategies from complex driving tasks in practice. To address this problem, human demonstrations are incorporated into the RL-based decision-making strategy in this paper. Decisions made by human subjects in a driving simulator are treated as safe demonstrations, which are stored into the replay buffer and then utilized to enhance the training process of RL. A complex lane change task in an off-ramp scenario is established to examine the performance of the developed strategy. Simulation results suggest that human demonstrations can effectively improve the safety of decisions of RL. And the proposed strategy surpasses other existing learning-based decision-making strategies with respect to multiple driving performances.
ISBN: 9781665468800
DOI: 10.1109/ITSC55140.2022.9921872
Schools: School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 
Research Centres: Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N) 
Rights: © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The published version is available at:
Fulltext Permission: open
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:ERI@N Conference Papers
MAE Conference Papers

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