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Title: Achieving color richness in painting – concepts & techniques of conventional & digital paintings
Authors: Ng, Woon Lam
Ngai, Carey
Chan, David Kian Wei
Keywords: Visual arts and music::Painting
Issue Date: 2023
Source: Ng, W. L., Ngai, C. & Chan, D. K. W. (2023). Achieving color richness in painting – concepts & techniques of conventional & digital paintings. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC2023), 538-543.
Project: #022644-00001 
Conference: 15th Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC2023)
Abstract: Color richness may include using a wider hue range or creating subtle variations with complex transitions. Painting techniques from the Renaissance to Post-Impressionism are compared and discussed together with digital painting techniques. The investigation also covered the interactive behaviors of painted pigments with underpainting. The Munsell Color Space (MCS) was used to illustrate the color theory and pigment technology advancement which was connected to the breakthrough of painting practice especially from the period before and after Impressionism. The evolvement of painting techniques. The optical behaviors behind the approaches are elaborated based on the underpainting, pigment availability and color optical behaviors. Some misconceptions about color application concepts, like the concept of color harmony are also discussed. Digital painting techniques are compared based on their process and working logic. Case studies cover how the fundamental concepts of optical color behaviors are shared among conventional and digital painting. The Munsell Color System is also brought into discussion related to how it helps artists or art students explore colors or bridge clashing colors. Therefore, multiple hues can be applied while the image unity is maintained. Discussions of digital painting approaches cover its initial palettes, underpainting and pre-painted drafts with conventional painting media and its rationales. The design of digital brush characters is also discussed and compared with the conventional painting concept. It shows both the conceptual similarity and technical differences between the conventional and digital painting processes. The investigation provides opportunities and suggestions for improving digital and conventional painting to achieve color richness.
ISBN: 978-0-6484724-5-2
ISSN: 2617-2410
Schools: School of Art, Design and Media 
Rights: © 2023 International Colour Association - Multidisciplinary Association in the field of Colour. All rights reserved. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the copyright holder. The Version of Record is available online at
Fulltext Permission: open
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:ADM Conference Papers

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