CCDS Theses

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Security testing of human-interactive systemsDeng, Gelei
2024Semantics-aware human-computer interaction software testingLiu, Yi
2024Controllable image and video synthesisJiang, Yuming
2024Deep reinforcement learning solutions for multi-period inventory replenishment optimizationShakya, Manoj
2024Geometric methods for covariance-based neural decodingJu, Ce
2024Deep learning for texture recognition: from streamlined architecture to multimodal extensionsMao, Shangbo
2024Exploring priors for visual content restoration and enhancementZhou, Shangchen
2024Leveraging deep learning for visual understanding of videosTan, Clement Xian Ren
2024Urban trajectory modeling and recovery with deep learningLiu, Kaijun
2024Improving representation learning on graph-structural data for classification, generation, and recommendationLuo, Tianze
2024Effectiveness perspectives for spatial keyword queries and personalized entity searchLiu, Shang
2024Situation aware dispatching system for semiconductor manufacturingChan, Chew Wye
2024Machine learning methods for data-driven microscopic traffic simulation modelling and calibrationNaing, Htet
2024Scaling up parametric human recoveryCai, Zhongang
2024Handling non-stationary data streams under complex environmentsWeng, Weiwei
2024Traffic data augmentation with deep learningXu, Qianxiong
2024When learned indexes meet LSM-tree based systems: an empirical evaluationChen, Mengshi
2024Hardware-software co-exploration and optimization for next-generation learning machinesChen, Chunyun
2024Improving transformer for scene text and handwritten text recognitionTan, Yew Lee
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19