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Title: LSTrAP-denovo: automated generation of transcriptome atlases for eukaryotic species without genomes
Authors: Lim, Peng Ken
Wang, Ruoxi
Mutwil, Marek
Keywords: Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Lim, P. K., Wang, R. & Mutwil, M. (2024). LSTrAP-denovo: automated generation of transcriptome atlases for eukaryotic species without genomes. Physiologia Plantarum, 176(4), e14407-.
Project: MOE-MOET32022-0002 
Journal: Physiologia Plantarum
Abstract: Despite the abundance of species with transcriptomic data, a significant number of species still lack sequenced genomes, making it difficult to study gene function and expression in these organisms. While de novo transcriptome assembly can be used to assemble protein-coding transcripts from RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data, the datasets used often only feature samples of arbitrarily selected or similar experimental conditions, which might fail to capture condition-specific transcripts. We developed the Large-Scale Transcriptome Assembly Pipeline for de novo assembled transcripts (LSTrAP-denovo) to automatically generate transcriptome atlases of eukaryotic species. Specifically, given an NCBI TaxID, LSTrAP-denovo can (1) filter undesirable RNA-seq accessions based on read data, (2) select RNA-seq accessions via unsupervised machine learning to construct a sample-balanced dataset for download, (3) assemble transcripts via over-assembly, (4) functionally annotate coding sequences (CDS) from assembled transcripts and (5) generate transcriptome atlases in the form of expression matrices for downstream transcriptomic analyses. LSTrAP-denovo is easy to implement, written in Python, and is freely available at
ISSN: 0031-9317
DOI: 10.1111/ppl.14407
Schools: School of Biological Sciences 
Rights: © 2024 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society. All rights reserved.
Fulltext Permission: none
Fulltext Availability: No Fulltext
Appears in Collections:SBS Journal Articles

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