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Title: A flexible model for fuel subsidy reform in Malaysia
Authors: Ismail, S.
Lim, F. P.
Lau, G. C.
Yow, Kai Siong
Keywords: Computer and Information Science
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Ismail, S., Lim, F. P., Lau, G. C. & Yow, K. S. (2024). A flexible model for fuel subsidy reform in Malaysia. ASM Science Journal, 19.
Project: NRF-MP-2022-0001 
Journal: ASM Science Journal 
Abstract: Due to the current spike in crude oil prices and the economic uncertainty, the government of Malaysia is in the midst of revising the current fuel subsidy scheme that imposes caps on both petrol RON95 and diesel. Under the current scheme, all citizens are allowed to refuel subsidised petrol without any restriction. In the year 2022, the projected amount of the fuel subsidy allocation is RM28 billion, compared to RM11 billion in the previous year. To avoid an unhealthy financial position, a more structured fuel subsidy scheme is needed. We propose a framework, namely flexible fuel subsidy scheme (FLEXFUEL), that allocates the fuel subsidy to targeted consumer groups based on some predetermined ratios. Eligible citizens will be classified according to certain factors that will determine the fuel subsidy they are entitled to. The framework improves the weaknesses of the current scheme, and it is more flexible where the total allocation and the ratios are all adjustable to match the latest development of the country. More factors could also be added to the framework when necessary. We believe this is a more effective scheme that benefits both the country and citizens in the long term and simultaneously helps in reducing the environmental impacts due to fuel production and consumption.
ISSN: 1823-6782
DOI: 10.32802/ASMSCJ.2023.1680
Schools: School of Computer Science and Engineering 
Rights: © The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Fulltext Permission: open
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:SCSE Journal Articles

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