SCSE Theses

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1377
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Enabling advanced analytics for industry applications using machine learning and graph miningZhao, Lin
2024Unsupervised spatial urban data representation learningZhang, Liang
2024Advancing low resource information extraction and dialogue system using data efficient methodsDing, Bosheng
2023Enhancing recommender systems via data augmentationZhang, Lingzi
2024Cross-layer host-network co-design for QoS in streamed video data networkingNan, Ya
2024Disentangling syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics in natural language processingZhang, Xulang
2024Holistic teaching workload allocation for research-intensive universitiesRoopchandani, Arpit
2024Deep learning enabled semantic communications and data tradingLiew, Zi Qin
2024Deep learning for graph structured dataDwivedi Vijay Prakash
2024Efficient algorithms for subgraph counting and enumeration on large graphsWang, Kaixin
2024Advancement in graph data mining: applications in unsupervised, continual, and few-shot learningRakaraddi, Appan
2024The role of playfulness in gamification for health behavior motivationQiu, Yang
2024Metaverse's stochastic optimization for enhanced computation and communicationNg, Wei Chong
2024Teachable agent for improving IkigaiChen, Ping
2024Towards trustworthy recommenders: building explainable and unbiased recommendation systemsHu, Yidan
2024Emergent semantic segmentation: training-free dense-label-free extraction from vision-language modelsLuo, Jiayun
2023Thermal image analytics for industrial anomaly detectionGoyal, Shreyas
2023Designing for adherence: modelling use intention in digital mental health toolsTan, Benny Toh Hsiang
2024AIoT for aging in place: from theory to practiceZhang, Huiguo
2024Effective image synthesis for effective deep neural network trainingCui, Kaiwen
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1377