MAE Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

Collection of:
Final Year Project (FYP)

Industrial Attachment (IA)

Professional Attachment (PA)

Professional Internship (PI)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 6948
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Development of microfluidic chip for modeling of human gastrointestinal tractKhoo, Kaydeson Kong Guan
2024Apparatus and method of 2D ultrasound manipulationGoh, Nicholas Guo Hao
2024Are electric scooters and PMD as safe to ride as bicycles? IIHo, Daryn Wei Jen
2024Heat conduction across interface between two materials. Part II: weak conducting interfaceSyed Tanvir Ashraf
2024Companion robot for children with chronic illnessesKoh, Cavan EnHao
2024Thermal patterns from an evaporating flat surface under nonuniform heatingHo, Augus Kian Li
2024Integrated design of an intelligent surgical gauze counting solution with commercialization potentialMahendran, Victor Raj
2024Development of a proof-of-concept retro-fit system for multi-material printing in a metal LPBF systemTay, Aloysius
2024Design of autonomous surface vehicleHo Nguyen Ky Trung
2024Generation of hydrogel microparticles using a portable droplet microfluidics systemCheng, Cindy Xiuyi
2024Evaluating the effectiveness of online lectures in developing problem-solving skills in engineering studentsPuah, Alice Xee Ran
2024RobotX: development of surface vehicle's flying drone for augmented perceptionTai, Benjamin Joe Yew
2024Fast imaging and dynamics of the DAPI dye in the live cells using Bessel beam light sheet microscopyMuhammad Danish Aqil Bin Zakaria
2024Design of service robot for assistance in restaurantsFarah Afiqah Binte Rasip
2024Characterization of electrically conductive bundles for electronic wearableToh, Maax Wei En
2024Reprogrammable tan delta in shape memory hybridsLaw, Nicholas Jun Wei
2024Characterizing thin and thick fibre-reinforced thermoplastic compositesSim, Zane Jun Yu
2024Droplet condensation on the patterned surface: molecular dynamics simuationGoh, Jun Kang
2024Controlled sequential shape recoveryYong, Ignatius Kevin Chi Wei
2024Laser texturing of metal interface for multi-materials parts fabricated by directed energy depositionOng, William Wei Min
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 6948