CCLC Theses

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002二十世纪七八十年代新华女性小说作者的世界 = The worlds of Singapore Chinese female writers of fiction : a study of short stories and novellas during the seventies and eighties from a feminist perspective胡月宝 Aw, Guat Poh
1999新加坡华人英语、华语语码转换策略的研究 = A study of code-switching strategy of English and Chinese in the Singapore Chinese community王晓梅 Wang, Xiao Mei
2005新加坡佛教 :传播沿革与模式 = Buddhism in Singapore : propagation, evolution and practise许原泰 Hue, Guan Thye
1999新华诗歌中文化忧患意识研究 = The cultural anxiety in Singapore Chinese poems (1965-1985)杜琳 Du, Lin
2006神州城外西湖暗流:十九世纪上半叶马六甲新加坡中文出版初探 = Western undercurrent along the China coast : a study of chinese printing and publishing in the first half of 19th-century Malacca and Singapore庄钦永 Chng Khin Yong
2001A study of Hakka dialect in Singapore and Johor BahruChin, Sin Yee
2003新加坡福建社群社会语言研究 = Aspects of the sociolinguistic survey of the Hokkien community in Singapore许小颖 Xu, Xiaoying
2001新加坡客家社群语言技能退化研究 = Language attrition in the Hakka community of Singapore程芳 Cheng, Fang
2005王朔现象与中国当代大众文化 (1984-2000)= Rethinking Wang Shuo : popular culture in contemporary China (1984-2000)王一敏 Wang, Yimin
2003马华儿童文学研究 文化传承与本土色彩 = Malaysian Chinese children's literature : cultural continuity and localism禤素薇 Sian, Vivian Suk Wee
2003近代汉语口语词亚研究 :(恒言录)词语的发展与演变 = Studies of colloquialism in pre-modern Chinese : the structure and development of the vocabulary in Hengyanlu唐莉 Tang, Li
2004砂劳越伊班族的民俗、说唱艺术及其华族文化色彩 = A study of the Sarawak Iban Folk culture and performance arts, and the nuance of Chinese culture within Iban traditions林青青 Ling, Ching Ching
2005陈六使与南洋大学:荜路篮楼的办学之路 (1950-1964)= Tan Lark Sye and Nanyang University : the hardship in establising Chinese education (1950-1964)利亮时 Lee Leong Sze
2005颜真卿揩书形体的演化 :字体规范与书体别构的权衡 = The evolution on Yan Zhenqing's model characters : the balance between standard characters and creative scripts李乾耀 Lee, Kean Yau
2000新加坡大考学生语码杂现象研究 = A study of code-mixing among tertiary students in Singapore许珮琳 Koh, Pei Ling
1999马华本土化小说研究(1945-1965)= The way to localization : a study of Singapore and Malaya Chinese fiction during the post-war period (1945-1965)蔡美丽 Chai, Mary
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16