SPMS Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

Collection of:
Final Year Project (FYP)
Industrial Attachment (IA)
Professional Attachment (PA)
Professional Internship (PI)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 823
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Higher-order product formulas for double bracket iteration quantum algorithmsAshwinie Ghanesh
2024Macroeconomic forecasting with echo state networksZhou, Qinghe
2024Magnetic topological photonic crystalsTan, Randy
2024Implementation of C++ iterators for the Boltzmann scattering integral satisfying physical conservation lawsHe, Mingxuan
2024Spontaneous charge transfer doping of transition metal dichalcogenides via ruthenium(III) chlorideYeo, Think-E
2024Volatility autocorrelation in the stock market with artificial neural networksTham, Zhi Rong
2024Dynamics of the edge of a topological quantum fluid with and without emergent conformal symmetryTan, Fei
2024Synaptic devices towards neuromorphic electronicsDatta, Indira
2024Topological quantum computing - the poor man's MajoranaAng, Ashley
2024High order operator splitting for the Boltzmann equation within the interaction pictureSong, Jinhua
2023Using a flux-driven simulation to capture marginality in plasma turbulenceKhoo, Le Han
2024Carrier dynamics of nanomaterials probed at the space- and time-limitLim, Justin Wei Xiang
2024Numerical methods for finite-size key rates with different entropic bounds in quantum key distributionChung, Rebecca Ru Byn
2024Theories for inflationary era in the early universeShe, Yuhui
2024Energy and entropy flux of the quantum Markovian process through an interacting demon-bit system with squeezed thermal reservoirsYang, Guangzhao
2024Quantum-enhanced maximum-likelihood identificationChong, Bi Qi
2024Probing for heavy neutral leptons at DUNE and ICARUSSchezwen, Sharoz
2024Investigating neutrino masses in supersymmetric GUT extensions of the standard modelChoong, Zheng Yang
2024Measuring ion recombination factor for a pencil beam scanning synchrotron-based proton therapy systemGan, Jun Ken
2024Kalman filter analysis of rain-induced fluctuations of local gravityMathai, Abishai Jacob
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 823