SPMS Theses

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1094
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Study on several novel topological phases in sonic wave systemsCheng, Zheyu
2025Cellulose-based aqueous zinc ion batteries for flexible energy storage applicationsWu, Jiawen
2024Coherent light-matter interactions in quantum confined halide perovskitesCai, Rui
2024Novel topological phases in exciton-polaritonBao, Ruiqi
2025Adjoint-state surface wave traveltime tomography: theoretical development and applicationsHao, Shijie
2024Spatial pricing and warehouse assortment in online retailingWang, Xuchen
2024Towards electrically injected colloidal semiconductor lasersThung, Yi Tian
2025Fairness and efficiency in resource allocationLi, Zihao
2024Quantum speedup, circuit decoupling, and stochastic modelling: on how quantum theory improves machine-learning, and how machine-learning helps to process quantum informationWang, Ximing
2025A thesis on evaluation of the gilbert-varshamov bound for constrained systemsGoyal, Keshav
2024Topics in spectral analysis of large sample covariance matricesLin, Zeqin
2024Causal classification of spatiotemporal quantum correlations in the absence of active interventionsSong, Min Jeong
2024Quantum-optical sensing and target detectionTham, Guo Yao
2024The community-degree graph model and its implications on epidemic spread in social networksTan, Jinin Liang
2023Dual atomic interferometry for differential inertial sensingLi, Jianing
2024Advanced hydrogel-based electrolytes for stable aqueous zinc batteriesYang, Jinlin
2024Qubit decoherence from two-level fluctuators –– A numerical and analytical explorationChong, Geraldine Kah Min
2024Nonreciprocal electrical transport in two-dimensional heterostructuresLi, Shengyao
2024Atomically resolved electroluminescence from individual vacancy defects in molybdenum disulfideSingh, Gagandeep
2024Van der Waals heterostructures of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for broadband and infrared photodetectionAhmed Ramadan Abdelmontaleb Elbanna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1094