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Title: 新加坡丽的呼声: 一个消失中的方言符号 = Singapore's Rediffusion : A Waning Symbol of Chinese Dialect.
Authors: 杨伟强 Yeo, Wei Qiang
Keywords: DRNTU::Humanities
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本论文以新加坡丽的呼声为研究对象,探讨丽的呼声在新加坡民众心目中的地位。作为一家在本地耕耘多年的私营广播电台,丽的呼声的影响力在上世纪1980年代后期开始式微,最终于去年结束营业。丽的呼声的节目曾经影响过千千万万户人家,但作为一个研究课题却常被忽略。从学术论文、报章报道和书籍中整理出的发展史则显示,丽的呼声其实存在着许多值得人们更深入研究和挖掘的历史片段。虽然有不少人把丽的呼声最终的失败归咎于“讲华语运动”,但它本身无法跟上时代发展的步伐或许才是最关键的原因。而通过问卷调查,论文也确定了现今民众普遍把丽的呼声等同于一个方言符号的情况。民众也认为因为市场竞争激烈,假如没有多大的改变,重新出发的新丽的呼声在未来极有可能再度面临结业的命运。 This thesis focuses on Singapore’s Rediffusion and its importance to the people of Singapore. As a private radio station that had been in business for decades, Rediffusion’s popularity waned since its heyday before the 1980’s, eventually closing down last year. Although Rediffusion had influenced the lives of thousands, it has often been overlooked as a topic of research. Historical timeline gathered from academic thesis, news articles and related books revealed that Rediffusion is a valuable topic that deserves more research and attention. While many blamed the “Speak Mandarin Campaign” as the main reason for Rediffusion’s downfall, its inability to adapt readily to the surrounding challenges could have been the most critical reason. Through the conduct of survey, this thesis also confirms that the public generally views Rediffusion as a dialect symbol. The survey also pointed out that with the fierce competition in the radio industry, the new Rediffusion must make radical changes in order to avoid another possible closure.
Schools: School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
Rights: Nanyang Technological University
Fulltext Permission: restricted
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:HSS Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

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