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Title: 从《中国妇女》看“改革开放”后妇女就业形式 的发展变化(1980 年-1996 年) = The transformation of occupational roles of women in China : a content analysis of ‘Women of China’, 1980-1996
Authors: 彭文婷 Phey, Lavinia Woon Ting
Keywords: DRNTU::Humanities
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 1978 年 12 月 18 日,第十一届三中全会实现了新中国成立以来中国共产党历史上具有深远意义的伟大转折,开启了改革开放历史新时期。在走向现代化的旅 程,中国妇女的就业形式也伴随着国家追求现代性的过程不断变化着。本文通过对1980-1996 年间的《中国妇女》杂志中的职业妇女报道,进行变量统计和文本分析, 展现了自改革开放以来不同时期中国职业妇女的就业形式,反映妇女就业形式发展的变化,及分析在各时期改革政策和环境为职业女性带来的发展机遇和冲击。 妇女就业形式的变化趋势主要包括他们从事的产业结构和领域:80 年代的职业女性从工业为主在 90 年代逐渐发展到第三产业的转变。期间的转变展现的不 仅是中国妇女就业形式上的单纯变化,这转变更反映妇女自身思想和技术上的成熟和进步。就业形式的变迁背后交织着复杂的因素,主要包括国家改革期间的经济环 境和政策、社会的观念和妇女自身的观念。这些因素另一方面成为了妇女发展过程中所遇到机遇和冲击的原因。妇女改革开放后就业形式的变化,为妇女就业面貌显得更多元化,反映了中国和妇女走向现代性的努力。The year of 1978 is a significant year for People’s Republic of China for its decision to open up to the outside world. Not only did this impactful decision affect the country’s growth directions, it had also influenced the women of China to oversee changes in many aspects of their lives. One of them is their involvement in economic activities in the country. This study explores the representative images of occupational women through the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the reports in the magazine ‘Women of China’ from the period of 1980-1996. Through the analysis, this study aims to highlight the transformation of the types of occupational roles in women that took place during this period of time, mainly through the nature of industries the women had worked in, and provides explanations that account for these changes. In addition, opportunities and threats which women faced at different phases are also discussed. The transformation of occupational roles of women in China is evident through the types of industries the women at different period chose to work in. Majority of women in the 1980’s are seen in the industrialization sector. However, a shift from the industrialization sector to the tertiary sector started to take place in women’s occupation upon reaching the 1990’s. This transformation is mainly caused by the environmental changes which took place in economy in China, the shift in societal thinking, as well as personal growth within women themselves. All these factors are also the main reasons behind the opportunities and threats women faced through the decades. The transformation which takes place in women’s occupational roles in Chinadisplays the efforts and progression both China and women in China have put in and achieved
Schools: School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
Rights: Nanyang Technological University
Fulltext Permission: restricted
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:HSS Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

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