SAS Research Reports (Staff & Graduate Students)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 32
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Computerised network of telecommunication equipmentVun, Nicholas Chan Hua.; Lee, Bu Sung.; Lau, Chiew Tong.
1994Object-oriented database applications within an engineering environmentGoh, Angela.; Hui, Siu Cheung.
1997CELL (Common Electronic Learning Library)Shaw, Venson M.
1997Development of oxidation resistant coatings for engineering applicationsHing, Peter.
1997Development of novel methods for the conversion of palm oil into polyurethane elastomersGan, Leong Huat
1997Service parameterization, benchmarking and prototyping of full motion video transport over high speed networksDas, Amitabha
1999Fault-tolerant variable architecture parallel computing platform final reportLoh, Peter Kok Keong; Nadarajah Sriskanthan; Hsu, Wen Jing; Cai, Wentong
1999Fracture of materials under complex stress statesMohan Manoharan.; Seow, Hong Pheow.
1998Intelligent multimedia tutoring system for laboratory support in software engineering educationKai, Warendorf
1997Metal powder addition in submerged arc weldsChandel, Roop Singh.; Seow, Hong Pheow.
1994Design and implementation of a reconfigurable machine for massively parallel neural computation (RM-nc)Erdogan, Sevki Serkan; Abdul Wahab; Premkumar, Annamalai Benjamin; Lee, Keok Kee; Srikantan, T.; Leong, Peng Chor
1997A virtual reality disaster simulation teaching aidHarvey, R. D.; Clarke, C. T.
1996Design and development of Macintosh based Teleview terminalNardarajah Sriskanthan; Chan, Tony Kai Yun
1990Design of a braille terminal for computersSriskanthan Nadarajah.; Subramanian, Krishnappa R.
1994Design and implementation issues for groupwareRavishankar Sharma; Conrath, David; Goh, Wooi Boon; Foo, Schubert Shou Boon; Tung, Lai Lai
1997A model-based vision system for recognising three-dimensional objects from a single gray-intensity imageLi, Yiwu.; Lim, Siew Kim.; Ng, Geok See.; Wong, Kok Cheong.
1996Development and evaluation of organic and polymeric corrosion inhibitors for industrial applicationsQiu, Jianhai.; Hu, Xiao.
1995Transparent version control system for UNIXErdogan, Sevki Serkan; Chee, Chye Lin
1990Project SENWORKLee, Bu Sung.; Oh, Soon Huat.; Lau, Yeong Shoon.; Tan, Daniel.
1996Injection moulding of ceramic/metal powderLiang, Meng Heng.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 32