Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 32
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 1994 | Computerised network of telecommunication equipment | Vun, Nicholas Chan Hua.; Lee, Bu Sung.; Lau, Chiew Tong. |
 | 1994 | Object-oriented database applications within an engineering environment | Goh, Angela.; Hui, Siu Cheung. |
 | 1997 | CELL (Common Electronic Learning Library) | Shaw, Venson M. |
 | 1997 | Development of oxidation resistant coatings for engineering applications | Hing, Peter. |
 | 1997 | Development of novel methods for the conversion of palm oil into polyurethane elastomers | Gan, Leong Huat |
 | 1997 | Service parameterization, benchmarking and prototyping of full motion video transport over high speed networks | Das, Amitabha |
 | 1999 | Fault-tolerant variable architecture parallel computing platform final report | Loh, Peter Kok Keong; Nadarajah Sriskanthan; Hsu, Wen Jing; Cai, Wentong |
 | 1999 | Fracture of materials under complex stress states | Mohan Manoharan.; Seow, Hong Pheow. |
 | 1998 | Intelligent multimedia tutoring system for laboratory support in software engineering education | Kai, Warendorf |
 | 1997 | Metal powder addition in submerged arc welds | Chandel, Roop Singh.; Seow, Hong Pheow. |
 | 1994 | Design and implementation of a reconfigurable machine for massively parallel neural computation (RM-nc) | Erdogan, Sevki Serkan; Abdul Wahab; Premkumar, Annamalai Benjamin; Lee, Keok Kee; Srikantan, T.; Leong, Peng Chor |
 | 1997 | A virtual reality disaster simulation teaching aid | Harvey, R. D.; Clarke, C. T. |
 | 1996 | Design and development of Macintosh based Teleview terminal | Nardarajah Sriskanthan; Chan, Tony Kai Yun |
 | 1990 | Design of a braille terminal for computers | Sriskanthan Nadarajah.; Subramanian, Krishnappa R. |
 | 1994 | Design and implementation issues for groupware | Ravishankar Sharma; Conrath, David; Goh, Wooi Boon; Foo, Schubert Shou Boon; Tung, Lai Lai |
 | 1997 | A model-based vision system for recognising three-dimensional objects from a single gray-intensity image | Li, Yiwu.; Lim, Siew Kim.; Ng, Geok See.; Wong, Kok Cheong. |
 | 1996 | Development and evaluation of organic and polymeric corrosion inhibitors for industrial applications | Qiu, Jianhai.; Hu, Xiao. |
 | 1995 | Transparent version control system for UNIX | Erdogan, Sevki Serkan; Chee, Chye Lin |
 | 1990 | Project SENWORK | Lee, Bu Sung.; Oh, Soon Huat.; Lau, Yeong Shoon.; Tan, Daniel. |
 | 1996 | Injection moulding of ceramic/metal powder | Liang, Meng Heng. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 32