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Title: Development of online learning management system on Android – online tutor for engineering student software application
Authors: Lim, Pei Ying
Keywords: DRNTU::Engineering::Electrical and electronic engineering
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: With smartphones becoming an essential electronic device and Android having 86.2% global market share, more and more people are accessing internet or websites with Android as their primary device. Online Tutor for Engineering Students Software (OnTEn) application originally is a web-service platform containing student-friendly for easy-to-navigate review modules for students in engineering. It had been developed into an Android Application to allow student to access OnTEn at anytime, anywhere. However, it is widely known that smartphones are a distraction in class where the students use their smartphones to do non-classroom activities such as communicating and gaming. The current OnTEn application is at risk in losing its application life as it is lacking the fun element that helps to minimize the distraction, maximize the enjoyment and engagement, and motivate the student to learn. Hence, the proposed idea is to further enhance the current OnTEn application with gamification feature for the quiz portion. The benefits of gamification allow the students to have the ownership of their learning, provide opportunities for identify work done, give freedom to the students to make mistakes and learn from it without any negative repercussions, inspire the student to discover intrinsic motivators for learning and motivate the student with dyslexia with low levels of motivation, increase fun during lesson. In short, it helps to motivate students and expedite learning efficiently. For this project, it was developed using both Android Studio and Firebase, and was designed using Adobe Photoshop.
Schools: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 
Rights: Nanyang Technological University
Fulltext Permission: restricted
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:EEE Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

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