SoH Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

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Final Year Project (FYP)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1002
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Exploring alterities and empathy through posthuman feminine bodies in Under the Skin and HerTang, Hoiye
2024Beauty's tearsZhang, Zuyi
2024Mandatory death penalty for drugs in Singapore: what's wrong with the communitarian rationale?Chew, Ashley Ying Ying
2024A defense of Thomas Aquinas' definition of truthLam, Justin Jing Wei
2024Artificial intelligence as a better constraint against warLim, Nicholas Ding Feng
2024Framing inductive risks in social sciences: can participatory action research help the sociologist?Hnin, Oo Wai
2024On meta-metaphysical nihilism—inexpressibility of denying the worldChua, Joshua Jian Bin
2024The ethics of dark comedyLee, Hanna
2024《近十年中国综艺节目中的生态文明传播研究— 以〈向往的生活〉、〈了不起的挑战〉、〈奔跑吧•生态篇〉为例》= The dissemination of ecological civilisation in Chinese variety shows over the past decade: a case study of back to field, the great challenge, and keep running: nature season黄琡惠 Ng, Shu Hui
2024指示代词的翻译——基于三版《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》汉译本的分析 = Demonstratives in translation – analysis based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland许天惠 Xu, Tianhui
2024现代人的精神危机:《围城》与《鄙视》中知识分子失败人生的比较 = The psychological crisis of modern man: a comparative study of the failed lives of intellectuals in Fortress Besieged and Contempt刘锦焱 Liu, Jinyan
2024清末水军建设的挑战及李鸿章海防思想:以《筹议海防折》为例 = Challenges in the construction of the navy during the late Qing Dynasty and Li Hongzhang's coastal defense ideology: using the "Memorial on Maritime Defense Planning" as an example侯泓宇 Hou, Hongyu
2024抚顺方言中的程度表达研究 = A study on the degree category of Fushun dialect张群易 Zhang, Qunyi
2024文图学视角下九把刀电影《月老》研究 = A study of Giddens Ko's Film “Till We Meet Again” from the perspective of text and images studies黄歆颖 Ng, Xin Ying
2024清代初期满洲统治阶级汉化的程度及其原因 = The study of the Sinicization of the Man Chu Qing Dynasty陈淑恩 Chan, Amelia Shu En
2024星洲际遇:康有为与清末新加坡华人= Sin Chew encounters: Kang Youwei and the Chinese in Singapore during late Qing罗嘉诚 Loh, Desmond Jia Cheng
2024两种反乌托邦叙事——论《江南三部曲》对《一九八四》的接受与超越 = Two anti-utopian narratives: an analysis of the Jiangnan Trilogy's reception and surpassing of 1984高宁宁 Gao, Ningning
2024臺灣文學主體性中的南方軌跡 —— 以南進與新南向時期之臺灣文學為例 = The Southern trajectory in Taiwanese literary subjectivity: a study of Taiwanese literature during the Nanshin-ron and new southbound policy periods楊永昌 Yang, Yung Chang
2024"Don't worry, it's reversible": fragmentation and subjectivity in art restoration ethics through a case study of Baumgartner fine art restorationSee Tow, Alexis York Ian
2024Simplified and traditional – the choice of Chinese script used on storefronts around SingaporeLim, Lawrence Kah Jun
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1002