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Title: 美日韩影视动漫中的《西游记》= Films and animation adaptations of journey to the West in America, Japan and Korea
Authors: 颜季莹 Ngan, Zhi Ying
Keywords: DRNTU::Humanities::Literature::Chinese
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: 《西游记》是中国四大名著中传播与改编度最广的作品,改编自《西游记》 的影视动漫经常受到许多关注。除中国外,美国、日本、韩国等国家都曾从《西游 记》取材进行改编。有的作品翻拍了《西游记》八十一难的故事,有的则颠覆性的 融入许多创意。随着全球化的网络时代与众多改编作品的问世,《西游记》成为跨 文化、跨时代的经典知识产权。 笔者着眼于当代三大流行文化中心——美国、日本与韩国对《西游记》的改 编作品,根据作品对人物的改编趋势,对师徒四人分为主角与配角进行分析,探讨 不同国家对《西游记》的现代诠释,带出《西游记》如何在数百年后生命力仍绵延 不绝的原因。主要考察分析的作品有:美国、日本与韩国具代表性的影视动漫作品, 《失落的帝国》、《美生中国人》、《最游记》与《花游记》。在此基础上,看《西 游记》是如何适应当代观众的口味、融入当代流行文化元素,成为生生不息的经典, 并通过对比中国与美日韩的改编作品,探讨改编者如何在“忠实”与“创新”之间 取得平衡。 Journey to the West is a great epic from China. The many adaptations of Journey to the West in China had been well received. Countries like America, Japan and Korea have found inspiration from Journey to the West and made various adaptations of the epic. Some adaptations adapted the short stories within Journey to the West, while others changed the story drastically with various creative and artistic approaches. In this era of great connectivity, the introduction of many adaptations has helped increased the spread of Journey to the West, allowing it to become a worldwide intellectual property. This essay compiled and analyzed various adaptations of Journey to the West in America, Japan, and Korea, mainly The lost empire and American born Chinese from America, Saiyuki from Japan, and A Korean Odyssey from Korea. Through analyzing the adaptations trends of the four main characters in Journey to the West, this essay seeks to understand how Journey to the West managed to stay relevant in pop-culture across many generations and how filmmakers incorporate popular culture into the adaptations of Journey to the West.
Schools: School of Humanities 
Rights: Nanyang Technological University
Fulltext Permission: restricted
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:SoH Student Reports (FYP/IA/PA/PI)

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