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dc.contributor.author付瑶 Fu, Yao
dc.description.abstract在第二次世界大战之后,新加坡的华文教育处于短暂的复兴时期。直到20世纪50年代,新加坡的华文教育逐渐陷入低潮状态,由于殖民政府偏重英语教育,同时限制并打压华文教育,导致华文教育不可避免地走向衰落。 《椰林月》与《马来亚之恋》两部电影都上映于50年代期间,正值新加坡人民大力鼓吹平等对待母语教育的时期,真实地反映了当代的现实社会问题。《椰林月》以50年代新加坡作为时代背景,再现了当时华文教育的发展情况,将华校的发展作为贯穿着整个剧情的细节,在《马来亚之恋》的电影情节中同样也包含了关于华文教育的细节。通过这两部电影即可看出,当时华文教育在新加坡与马来西亚发展时遇到的困境与限制。由于《椰林月》与《马来亚之恋》两部影片都属于香港电影,本文将先探讨香港电影在新马地区的发展,再延伸至两部影片中所反映出的现实社会问题,依照历史发展的顺序,从政治种族因素与社会背景的角度入手,深入分析50年代华文教育在新加坡与马来西亚的发展历程以及导致华文教育衰落的原因。 After World War II, there was a transient period of revival for the Chinese education in Singapore. In the 20th century during the 1950s, the British colonisation suppressed the development of the Chinese education. The two films “Moon Over Malaya” and “Malaya Love Affair” narrated the social issues faced by Singapore in the 1950s whereby the non-preferential treatment of Chinese education was advocated. “Moon Over Malaya” reflected the intricate social issues surrounding the development of Chinese education during the 1950s in Singapore, in particularly the evolution of Chinese schools. “Malaya Love Affair” also encompassed similar connotations to the film “Moon Over Malaya”, where both films depicted the adversities and challenges faced by Singapore and Malaysia in promoting Chinese education. Considering that both films originated from Hong Kong, this thesis aims to first examine the impact of the Hong Kong film industry on Singapore and Malaysia's local scene development. Thereafter, to revisit the sequence of events following the timeline of history, to examine the issues from various political, social and ethnical aspects. These two films instantiated the social issues that prevailed in Singapore and urge us to investigate the reasons that caused such a phenomenon in the 1950s.en_US
dc.format.extent55 p.en_US
dc.rightsNanyang Technological University
dc.title从香港电影《椰林月》和《马来亚之恋》 看1950年代新马华文教育的发展困境 = Adversities of the Chinese education development faced by Singapore and Malaysia during the 1950s : a study on Hong Kong Films “Moon Over Malaya” and “Malaya Love Affair”en_US
dc.typeFinal Year Project (FYP)en_US
dc.contributor.supervisorHee Wai Siamen_US
dc.contributor.schoolSchool of Humanitiesen_US
dc.description.degreeBachelor of Arts in Chineseen_US
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