Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2024 | Performative documentary, artistic research, and emancipatory pedagogy | Raidel, Ella |
| 2024 | My watercolor dialog 水彩故事 | Ng, Woon Lam |
| 2023 | Of haunted spaces: cinema, heterotopias, and China’s hyperurbanization | Raidel, Ella |
| 2009 | Collection, imagination and senses: exhibition design as a tool for interpretation of history | Miotto, Laura |
| 2021 | La scenografia per l'animazione fra stile e architettura | Benvenuti, Davide |
| 2021 | Venezia e il Peloponneso, 992-1718 : indagini storiche tra territorio, biblioteca e archivio | Nanetti, Andrea |
| 2019 | Bringing art to everyday : Media Art Nexus NTU Singapore in review 2016-2018 | Conradi, Ina; Chavez, Mark |
| 2021 | 笔趣 = Joy of brushwork | Ng, Woon Lam |
| 2011 | Digital media and the quest for the spiritual in art | Conradi, Ina |
| 2012 | 3D stereo pictorial spaces : towards new aesthetics in contemporary painting | Conradi, Ina; de la Nuez, Rubén |
| 2010 | Internal external | Conradi, Ina |
| 2018 | Eric Bogle, music and the great war : 'an old man's tears' | Walsh, Michael J. K. |
| 2017 | Re-visioning silk through Amami Ōshima = 「奄美大島を通して見た絹の再考 | Onaga, Lisa |
| 2017 | Feeling alive! : participatory visual arts programme and vitality in a nursing home – a Singapore case study | Tan, Michael Koon Boon |
| 2019 | Access to higher education : refugees' stories from Malaysia | Bailey, Lucy; İnanç, Gül |
| 2018 | Computational history : from big data to big simulations | Nanetti, Andrea; Cheong, Siew Ann |
| 2011 | 写生, 写生 = Live and alive | Ng, Woon Lam |
| 2013 | 三城记 = A tale of three cities | Ng, Woon Lam |
| 2019 | 涂涂写写 = Alchemy of color and brushwork | Ng, Woon Lam |
| 2014 | 笔飞错舞 = Perception and delusion | Ng, Woon Lam; Low, Don Chee Mun |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26