MAE Conference Papers

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 485
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A machine learned traffic flow coordination framework for flow-centric airspaceMa, Chunyao; Alam, Sameer; Cai, Qing; Delahaye, Daniel
2024A dynamic debris hazard corridor for space and air traffic managementDhief, Imen; Zhou, Wei; Wang, Zhengyi; Alam, Sameer; Kaltenhäuser, Sven; Rabus, Tobias; Schultz, Michael
2023Integrated air and space traffic management: an agent-based simulation for analysis of space-launch impact on air trafficWang, Zhengyi; Dhief, Imen; Zhou, Wei; Alam, Sameer; Blom, Henk A. P.; Kaltenhäuser, Sven; Rabus, Tobias
2022Large area metal surface characterization using plasmonic random laser based imaging techniqueGayathri, Radhakrishn; Suchand Sandeep, Chandramathi Sukumaran; Vijayan, C.; Murukeshan, Vadakke Matham
2023Design of a passive wearable device using an optimized mechanical metamaterial for mirror therapyRaghavendra Kulkarni, Suhas; Accoto, Dino; Campolo, Domenico
2023Enhancing airside monitoring: a multi-camera view approach for aircraft position estimation for digital control towersAli, Hasnain; Pham, Duc-Thinh; Alam, Sameer
2023Airfusion: a machine learning framework for balancing air traffic demand and airspace capacity through dynamic airspace sectorizationZhou, Wei; Pham, Duc-Thinh; Alam, Sameer
2023An agent-based approach for air traffic conflict resolution in a flow-centric airspaceGuleria, Yash; Pham, Duc-Thinh; Alam, Sameer
2023Flow-centric air traffic control: human in the loop simulation experimentAhmad Sufian Bin Jumad; Tominaga, Koji; Chua, Xinyi; Duong, Vu N.; Itoh, Eri; Schultz, Michael
 2022DFBVS: deep feature-based visual servoAdrian, Nicholas; Do, Van Thach; Pham, Quang-Cuong
 2021Non-contact, artefact-free corneal imaging using random laserGayathri, R.; Sandeep, C. S. Suchand; Ahmad, K.; Vijayan, C.; Murukeshan, V. M.
2023A reliability framework for safe octorotor UAV flight operationsThanaraj, T.; Govind, Siddesh; Roy, Anurag; Ng, Bing Feng; Low, Kin Huat
2023Cleared to land a multi-view vision-based deep learning approach for distance-to-touchdown predictionPham, Duc-Thinh ; Goenawan, Gabriel James; Alam, Sameer ; Koelle, Rainer
2023Image-based conflict detection with convolutional neural network under weather uncertaintyDang, Phuoc Huu; Mohamed Arif Bin Mohamed; Alam, Sameer
2023Collision severity analysis of quadrotors on covered linkways for ground risk assessment in urbanized environmentsMohd Hasrizam Che Man; Sivakumar, Anush Kumar; Ng, Nathaniel Jingwei; Low, Kin Huat 
2023Dynamic air traffic flow coordination for flow-centric airspace managementMa, Chunyao; Alam, Sameer; Qing, Cai; Delahaye, Daniel
2022Safe decision-making for lane-change of autonomous vehicles via human demonstration-aided reinforcement learningWu, Jingda; Huang, Wenhui; de Boer, Niels; Mo, Yanghui; He, Xiangkun; Lv, Chen
2022Human-guided safe and efficient trajectory replanning for unmanned aerial vehiclesZhang, Zezhong; Chen, Hao; Lye, Sun Woh; Lv, Chen
2014Theoretical analysis of revolving vane compressor vibrationsAw, Kuan Thai; Ooi, Kim Tiow
2023UAV collision risk assessment in terminal restricted area by heatmap representationZhang, Na; Liu, Hu; Low, Kin Huat
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 485