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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 54
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014The aspectual system in Singapore HokkienTan, Cheryl Xue Er
2014Aspects of the grammar of the Ngeq languageChia, Stephen Wei Shi
2013重构公民性 :马国社运份子黄进发的案例研究 = Reconfiguring citizenship : a case study of Malaysian social activist Wong Chin-Huat施伟良 See, Clement Wei-Liang
2013范晔《后汉书》“论”、“赞”研究 = Study on Lun and Zan of Fan Ye's History of Eastern Han关天辰 Guan, Tianchen
2014从清浊别义看群、匣、喻三的上古来源 = A study on the origins of middle Chinese initials of ɣ-, g-, j- in archaic Chinese: a morphological perspective郑琇瑜 Tay, Xiu Yu
2013从频率效应看上古汉语*-s后缀 = A study of *-s suffix in archaic Chinese based on frequency effect黄颖瑜 Ng, Yin Yee
2013由“继善成性”到“成性存存”:试论儒家哲学“善”概念 的两层含义 = From the “experiential stage” to the “transcendent stage” of moral existence : a commentary on the multiple connotations of the “Shan” concept in confucian tradition侯展捷 How, Zhan Jie
2012Examining the student care industry in Singapore : the state’s policies and support for the family’s care-giving responsibilities for children aged 7 to 12Lai, Guohao
2012Smelling like a man : a socio-olfactory analysis of masculinity in SingaporeNur Amin Shah Hashim.
2012Passive victims or active agents : a case study of Indonesian female marriage migrants in SingaporeKoh, Dorcas Jia Hui.
2012The triangulation of another earth, moon and sunshineXie, Wilson Zhi Wei.
2012The ‘Government’ in our lives : an exploratory study of ideology and the Singapore middle classYap, Si Hong.
2012Approximating the realist and fantasy modes through "Framley Parsonage" and "Tooth and Claw"Loh, Vanessa Ya Shi.
2012Best of both worlds : hybrid identities of mixed-race individuals in SingaporeLim, Tricia Anna.
2012Theatre of the street : subverting otherness in photographyRr Apriani Kartika Dristiningsih.
2012Calvino and other measures of coherence, form and harmony : Invisible cities, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler and Mr. PalomarCheong, Adel Xian Hui.
2012The theatrics of 'not-being' : rehearsing death in postmodern theatreNg, Carmen Siang Nan.
2012Mythical heroines : the appropriation of myth in reconstructing female identities in ethnic American literatureGoh, I-Mei.
2012Silencing the silencers : Chaucer’s satire of clerical authority in the Nun’s Priest’s TaleLai, Daniel
2012The artifice that endures the burden of the past : analysing memory in Angela Carter's fictional worksYuvaneswari.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 54

