Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 54
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2014 | The aspectual system in Singapore Hokkien | Tan, Cheryl Xue Er |
| 2014 | Aspects of the grammar of the Ngeq language | Chia, Stephen Wei Shi |
| 2013 | 重构公民性 :马国社运份子黄进发的案例研究 = Reconfiguring citizenship : a case study of Malaysian social activist Wong Chin-Huat | 施伟良 See, Clement Wei-Liang |
| 2013 | 范晔《后汉书》“论”、“赞”研究 = Study on Lun and Zan of Fan Ye's History of Eastern Han | 关天辰 Guan, Tianchen |
| 2014 | 从清浊别义看群、匣、喻三的上古来源 = A study on the origins of middle Chinese initials of ɣ-, g-, j- in archaic Chinese: a morphological perspective | 郑琇瑜 Tay, Xiu Yu |
| 2013 | 从频率效应看上古汉语*-s后缀 = A study of *-s suffix in archaic Chinese based on frequency effect | 黄颖瑜 Ng, Yin Yee |
| 2013 | 由“继善成性”到“成性存存”:试论儒家哲学“善”概念 的两层含义 = From the “experiential stage” to the “transcendent stage” of moral existence : a commentary on the multiple connotations of the “Shan” concept in confucian tradition | 侯展捷 How, Zhan Jie |
| 2012 | Examining the student care industry in Singapore : the state’s policies and support for the family’s care-giving responsibilities for children aged 7 to 12 | Lai, Guohao |
| 2012 | Smelling like a man : a socio-olfactory analysis of masculinity in Singapore | Nur Amin Shah Hashim. |
| 2012 | Passive victims or active agents : a case study of Indonesian female marriage migrants in Singapore | Koh, Dorcas Jia Hui. |
| 2012 | The triangulation of another earth, moon and sunshine | Xie, Wilson Zhi Wei. |
| 2012 | The ‘Government’ in our lives : an exploratory study of ideology and the Singapore middle class | Yap, Si Hong. |
| 2012 | Approximating the realist and fantasy modes through "Framley Parsonage" and "Tooth and Claw" | Loh, Vanessa Ya Shi. |
| 2012 | Best of both worlds : hybrid identities of mixed-race individuals in Singapore | Lim, Tricia Anna. |
| 2012 | Theatre of the street : subverting otherness in photography | Rr Apriani Kartika Dristiningsih. |
| 2012 | Calvino and other measures of coherence, form and harmony : Invisible cities, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler and Mr. Palomar | Cheong, Adel Xian Hui. |
| 2012 | The theatrics of 'not-being' : rehearsing death in postmodern theatre | Ng, Carmen Siang Nan. |
| 2012 | Mythical heroines : the appropriation of myth in reconstructing female identities in ethnic American literature | Goh, I-Mei. |
| 2012 | Silencing the silencers : Chaucer’s satire of clerical authority in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale | Lai, Daniel |
| 2012 | The artifice that endures the burden of the past : analysing memory in Angela Carter's fictional works | Yuvaneswari. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 54