HSS Books & Book Chapters
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 275
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2010 | 建构主体,展演多元:新加坡当代华文戏剧述评 | 柯思仁 Quah, Sy Ren |
| 2009 | 鍾會《老子注》與魏初才性之辯 | 陳金梁 Chan, Alan Kam Leung |
| 2009 | 中国与在地:新马两地对南洋研究传统的知识认同 = China and local : knowledge identity of Nanyang research tradition in Singapore-Malaysia | 魏月萍 Ngoi, Guat Peng |
| 2011 | 明代中韩「孝女」唱和诗的文化意涵 = The ‘Filial Daughter’ in poems of Chinese and Korean from 15th to 17th century | 衣若芬 I, Lo-fen |
| 2011 | 香港における知識生産の領域と村上春樹の普及 = In Japanese “The Field of Cultural Production and the Dissemination of Haruki Murakami in the 80-90s’ Hong Kong” | Kwan, Uganda Sze Pui |
| 2010 | 明代宮廷的祭祀 | 胡吉勋 Hu, Jixun |
| 2010 | 明代宮廷的教育 | 胡吉勋 Hu, Jixun |
| 2010 | 《戴兵部奏疏》考述 | 胡吉勋 Hu, Jixun |
| 2007 | 向永恒拷问:南洋大学的文化符号 = Probing the question of eternity : the cultural iconology of Nanyang University | 游俊豪 Yow, Cheun Hoe |
| 2007 | The eleventh five year plan : a critical perspective | Tan, Kong Yam |
| 2009 | Financing China's entrepreneurs: the role of legislative membership | Zhou, Wubiao |
| 2009 | Negotiating 'foreignness', localizing faith: Tibetan Catholicism in the Tibet-Yunnan borderlands | Lim, Francis Khek Gee |
| 2011 | Why are financial crises so costly? | Tan, Kim Heng |
| 2011 | Growth, opportunity, and inequality: some empirics from Singapore | Ho, Kong Weng |
| 2008 | Gorged-out Cadavers of Hills': parodying narratives of alterity and transformation in The Flame Tree | Wagner, Tamara Silvia |
| 2011 | 《夭折的罗曼史:‘一个马来西亚’与‘阴阳同体’在雅斯敏电影中的‘镜外之域’》= “A thwarted romance : the space-off created by “1 Malaysia” and “Intersex” in Yasmin Ahmad’s films” | 许维贤 Hee, Wai Siam |
| 2010 | 《本朝奏疏》考述 | 胡吉勋 Hu, Jixun |
| 2008 | Symbolic interactionism | Williams, James Patrick |
| 2007 | University Chinese education in Singapore : the case of the Division of Chinese and Research Centre at Nanyang Technological University | 李元瑾 Lee, Guan Kin |
| 2008 | Emergent themes | Williams, James Patrick |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 275