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Title: Caustic object construction based on multiple caustic patterns
Authors: Tandianus, Budianto
Johan, Henry
Seah, Hock Soon
Keywords: Photon
Inverse problem
Issue Date: 2012
Source: Tandianus, B., Johan, H., & Seah, H. S. (2012). Caustic Object Construction Based on Multiple Caustic Patterns. Journal of WSCG, 20(1), 37-46.
Series/Report no.: Journal of WSCG
Abstract: Inverse caustic problem, that is computing the geometry of a reflector and/or refractor based on a given caustic pattern, is currently not widely studied. In this paper, we propose a technique to solve the inverse caustic problem in which we compute the geometry of a semi-transparent homogeneous refractive object (caustic object) given a directional light source and a set of caustic patterns (each pattern is considered to be formed at a specified distance from the caustic object). We validate the results by using mental ray (software rendering). The novelty of our research is that we consider a set of caustic patterns whereas existing techniques only consider one caustic pattern. We employ a stochastic approach to simulate the refracted light beam paths that can approximately reconstruct the input caustic patterns. Working backward, from the computed refracted light beam paths we compute the geometry of the caustic object that can produce such light beam paths. Due to having multiple caustic patterns as the inputs, it is a challenge to reconstruct the input caustic patterns because of the differences in their shapes and intensities. We solve this problem by using a two-step optimization algorithm in which we adjust the position and size of the caustic regions in the first step and we adjust the caustic shapes in the second step. Our technique is able to construct a caustic object for a various types of input caustic patterns.
ISSN: 1213-6972
Schools: School of Computer Engineering 
Research Centres: Multi-plAtform Game Innovation Centre 
Fraunhofer Singapore 
Rights: © 2012 UNION Agency. This paper was published in Journal of WSCG and is made available as an electronic reprint (preprint) with permission of UNION Agency. The published version is available at: []. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.
Fulltext Permission: open
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:SCSE Journal Articles

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