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Title: Mitigation of liquefaction of saturated sand using biogas
Authors: He, J.
Ivanov, Volodymyr
Chu, Jian
Issue Date: 2013
Source: HE, J., IVANOV, V.,& CHU, J. (2013). Mitigation of liquefaction of saturated sand using biogas. Géotechnique, 63(4), 267-275.
Series/Report no.: Géotechnique
Abstract: Some recent studies have indicated that the liquefaction potential of saturated sand can be greatly reduced if the sand can be made slightly unsaturated. One way to reduce the degree of saturation of sand is to inject gas into sand. This approach offers a cost-effective solution for mitigating liquefaction hazard over a large area. However, it is not easy to inject gas into sand in a uniform manner. A biogas method was developed in this study to overcome this difficulty. In this method, denitrifying bacteria are used to generate tiny, inert nitrogen gas bubbles in sand. Shaking table tests using a fully instrumented laminar box are conducted on both saturated sand and sand containing microbially generated nitrogen gas bubbles. Comparisons of the results of these tests indicate that the pore water pressure generated in the partially saturated sand was much smaller than that in saturated sand. Thus the proposed method is effective in reducing the liquefaction potential of sand.
DOI: 10.1680/geot.SIP13.P.004
Schools: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 
Rights: © 2013 Thomas Telford Ltd. This paper was published in Géotechnique and is made available as an electronic reprint (preprint) with permission of Thomas Telford Ltd.. The paper can be found at the following official DOI: [].  One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.
Fulltext Permission: open
Fulltext Availability: With Fulltext
Appears in Collections:CEE Journal Articles

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